Chapter 32 - Witching Schemes

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"Thank you for the stay last night, Astrid

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"Thank you for the stay last night, Astrid. It was definitely needed," Wren says to me as she joins me and Klaus at breakfast.

"No problem," I stay between spoonfuls of cereal, "I know how uncomfortable trying to sleep while pregnant is,"

Klaus offers her some food which I give him a grateful look that he is trying like he promised that he would.

"No, thanks. I need to get back to my children," Wren smiles warmly, her eyes sparkling with gratitude. Klaus nods understandingly before he takes the seat next to me and his hand finding its way onto my belly to feel the boys movements.

"Actually, Wren," I call out before she can leave the room, "Anyway I can get you to stay for a little while longer, there are somethings we need to discuss,"

Wren glances from me to Klaus a couple of times before nodding and and breathing out, "Sure,"

I take a few more spoonfuls of cereal before standing onto my feet and leading Wren to the living room where we can talk more privately. Klaus follows closely behind, his hand still resting protectively on my belly. 

I motion for Wren to take a seat on the couch from the door before turning to face Klaus, "Can we get a moment alone? I promise I won't leave this room," I tell him with a pleading look.

Klaus looks unconvinced and I know why. After my weird outburst last night, all four of my husbands are on edge and extra protective of me which seems to mean one with me at all times.

Klaus hesitates for a moment, his eyes flickering between me and Wren, concern etched on his face. 

After a moment of contemplation, he finally nods and gives my belly a reassuring pat before excusing himself from the room. I watch him leave, feeling a pang of guilt for asking to be alone as I know he is trying to show his promise to be better for me and our babies.

I let out a breath and waddle into the room, taking a seat on the couch opposite her as I rub my belly in soft circles before I speak, "Look, Wren, I know that your birth date is coming up and that you are terrified of what comes after,"

Wren just watches me intently, her eyes searching mine for any sign of deception. She fidgets with the hem of her sweater, a nervous habit that I had noticed during the months we had spent together preparing for the arrival of our babies.

After a moment of silence, she finally speaks, her voice soft but firm, "I appreciate your concern, but I've made my peace with what's to come. I know it won't be easy, but there is nothing I can do to change it,"

 I know it won't be easy, but there is nothing I can do to change it,"

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