Chapter 30 - Bonds and Betrayal

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I tie my hair up into a messy ponytail as I walk slowly down the hall to where the room that Davina was given is

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I tie my hair up into a messy ponytail as I walk slowly down the hall to where the room that Davina was given is. 

Walking has started to become a tedious endeavour over the last few weeks as my belly is continues to grow, making each step heavier and more cumbersome.

I knock softly on the door, wanting to have a word with her about something that I had just learned.

I knock softly on the door, my heart beating a little faster in anticipation. Davina opens the door with a bright smile, her eyes sparkling with warmth, curiosity and slight sadness behind it all.

"Astrid, is something wrong?" Davina asks me with a small smile that isn't genuine.

But I brush it off as anyone in her situation would be sad or at least lonely.

"Elijah tells me there is some sort of festival in the Quarter tonight and I am wondering if you want to come along with me?" I ask as I slowly rubs circles on my belly as one of the boys use it as their own personal drum.

Davina looks at me with unsure look and she begins to fiddle with the end of her dress, "But I can't. The witches will come for me to finish the harvest,"

I wave her off with slight confusion as I thought she would know as Marcel spends so much time with her, "No, they won't. From what Sophie told us, they would need an elder to complete the ritual. And seeing as Elijah killed the last one, I don't see that happening. Which means it is safe for you to come with me tonight."

Davina's eyes widened in surprise at my words, a mixture of hope, anger, betrayal, uncertainty and a hundred more emotions flickering across her face.

"Wh-what?" She asks and I furrow my brows at her, confused by her confusion.

But before I can repeat or clear anything up for her, we are interrupted.

Finn comes vamping at us, stopping right in front of us and for the first time in a very long time, he seems happy and excited by the whatever information or news that he had.

"I did it. I found the spell." He tells me with a big grin as he pulls me in for a deep and hard kiss that leaves my head spinning.

Everything with Davina is forgotten by Finn's strange behaviour and the good news of the found spell. But as I pull away from Finn, my eyes glance back at Davina, who is watching us with a mix of emotions that I can't quite decipher.

"So tonight?" I ask her quickly, knowing Finn will want to show off whatever spell that he discovered.

"Yeah..." Davina drags out, lost in her own thoughts before she walks back into her room and closes the door behind her.

I worry for the girl for a moment before I am being vamped from my spot into the study, where there is grimoires covering every flat surface.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Finn asks but I raise my hand and vomit into the bin that luckily sits near to where we are standing.

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