Chapter 13 - Hybrids and Knowledge

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I find myself in an unfamiliar woods that is filled with sad wolf howls, yet none in sight

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I find myself in an unfamiliar woods that is filled with sad wolf howls, yet none in sight.

Wandering amidst the towering yew trees, their twisted forms arising like specters against the darkening sky, I felt a shiver caress my spine. The surreal serenade of the unseen wolves, their mournful cries echoing through the silent forest, spoke of an untold sorrow, a long lost that hurt my very soul.

"Hello?" I call out as I think I see a shadow in the distance.

But in a blink of an eye, it is gone which just leaves me confused as I look around, my own voice swallowed by the encroaching gloom, meeting no response but the rustling of wind through skeletal branches. The trees, gnarled and old beyond years, reach out with their knotted limbs as if pleading for solace — a chilling reflection of my own solitude.

As I turn fully around, I figure is standing so close to me that I can feel their breath against my neck.

"I am coming. And you aren't going to get out of this. Not this time." They whispered.

"What?" I ask, confused but they don't answer.

Instead the reach their hand out slowly and pressing their two fingers against my forehead.

Sudden ringing invades my ears and I find myself bolting up in bed with gasp, confused and disoriented. The very fabric of my reality seems to warp and writhe, the room lurching in a nauseating maelstrom of unbidden vertigo. My heart slams against my rib cage like a caged animal, a frantic drumming that drowns out the loud noise filling the room.

I rub my eyes a couple times before shoving Niklaus who is laying next to me as it is his little black contraption that is the source of the noise.

Niklaus groans and I lay back down, only to find another warm chest that wasn't there when I fell asleep the night before.

I smile gently as I look at the cheeky face of Kol, whose arm snakes up behind me and pulls me to him in a tight embrace. His touch sends a wave of warmth through my body, chasing away the remnants of the nightmare that still linger in my mind.

"Morning, love," he purrs, his voice laced with mischief. "Did you miss me?"

I chuckle and nuzzle into Kol's embrace, feeling safe and loved in his arms. "Always," I reply, my voice filled with genuine affection.

"What's going on?" Niklaus grumbles, rubbing his eyes with one hand while reaching for his ringing box with the other. 

His tousled hair and sleepy expression only add to his endearing charm. I glance at Niklaus and suppress a giggle, knowing that his morning grumpiness will probably get worse once he's fully awake.

"Morning, Nik," I greet him, my voice still tinged with the remnants of sleep.

Niklaus yawns and stretches, his toned muscles flexing under the sheets.

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