Chapter 17 - Unraveling Mysteries

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Never since I woke up from limbo did I think I would be in this position. No scratch that. Never in my life did I think I would be in this position.

I rocked on my heels as I stared into eyes that held on hate and distrust for me. But in this moment none of that mattered as there was a clock on the matter at hand. Once again, my own fault.

The wind was biting, whipping across the porch but the cold was only a secondary concern. The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife, a knife much like the one clutched in Kol's hand who was standing out of sight. Ready to do this against the Bennett witch's will.

But it would just make all this harder. And I knew I could get her to agree willingly, it just meant dangling my own miss deeds out for her to see.

"So, will you help me?" I ask Bonnie Bennett.

Her countenance was a mask of distrust, etched with the frosty lines of suspicion. Her arms crossed defiantly against her chest, shivering slightly in the chilly air. But there was curiosity there too. I should have known Bonnie, ever the scholar, would have a hard time resisting a mystery.

Her hands were balled into fists, magical energy crackling around her like a storm about to break.

"Help you? After everything you've done?" She scoffed, eyebrows shooting up in disbelief. "Why should I?"

"Because it will allow you to bring your precious Jeremy back from the dead." I point out to her with a smug grin.

I could see a flicker of pain in Bonnie's eyes at the mention of Jeremy. She had lost so much already, and the opportunity to bring him back was undoubtedly tempting. But she wasn't one to be swayed by empty promises or half-truths.

"Bringing Jeremy back... That's impossible," she muttered under her breath, her voice strained with a mixture of hope and skepticism.

I could almost taste the bitterness of her doubt as it mingled with the biting cold of the air around us.

I took a step closer, my eyes never leaving Bonnie's. "Nothing is impossible when it comes to magic," I remind her, "especially with the magic, I am offering."


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