Chapter 26 - Witches Against the Future Three

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I sit on the couch with my legs folded beneath me as I have grimoires open on the table in front of me

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I sit on the couch with my legs folded beneath me as I have grimoires open on the table in front of me. I mutter some of the latin words as I am looking through some of the spells. The couch beside me dips and Kol's head lands into my lap with a bored expression on his face.

I absentmindedly run my fingers through Kol's thick brown hair, not looking up from the grimoire that I am currently reading.

Kol lets out a small sigh, his warm breath tickling my hand. I feel his body relax against mine, the tension slowly seeping away as my fingers continue their gentle movements through his hair. The room is filled with the scent of old books and magic, a comforting aroma that wraps around us like a soft blanket.

"Where are the others?" I ask him softly as I glance down from my book to Kol's relaxed face in my lap.

"Elijah is speaking with Davina today. Klaus is keeping up his act with Marcel. And Rebekah and Finn are being no fun around the house somewhere." Kol tells me, his voice laced with a hint of mischief. 

I chuckle softly at his words, knowing all too well the dynamic between the siblings in the Mikaelson family. Despite their differences and frequent disagreements, they always had each other's backs when it truly mattered.

I return my attention to the grimoire in my hands while letting the comfortable silence settle between us again as I search for the damn spell.

I mutter another latin word as I search for a spell with that word, but my muttering catches Kol's attention.

"What are you trying to break?" Kol asks which breaks my concentration and look down at him confused before answering with a huh.

"Confractus." Kol repeats the word I was mumbling and I smile softly down at him as I run my fingers through his hair.

"I am looking for a spell to break the connection between my unborn baby and the damn witch." I explain which makes him move from his spot and to sit up next to me instead.

"Then you need a spell that will sever it, not break it. If you break it, it could have consequences where severing is rather gentle," Kol informs me as he picks up one of the grimoires off the table and helps with my search for a damn spell I can use.

There is a moment of silence between us as we search before I feel Kol's hand on my knee which makes me look up from my grimoire and over at him.

He is staring down at the book with a look I can't decide on, something between shock, confusion, surprise and..hope.


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