Chapter 33 - Broken Curses

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That is the exact time I am waiting for.

At exactly 18:30, the full moon will become visible as the sun has fully set which means while most werewolves are turning from human to wolf, the Crescent wolves are turning from wolf to human.

There is a small knock on the door of the room I am currently in as I list off things in my head.

I didn't need to turn around or even stop my thoughts to know who it is as only one person knocks before entering in this place.

"Elijah.." I breath out as I run my tongue across my bottom lip, knowing what he is here to ask me.

So before he can ask again, that I take one of my husbands with me but I am already taking Rebekah with me So, I tell him about the thoughts that are on my mind.

"I remember it all now." I mutter out before taking a deep breath and turning to face Elijah with an expressionless face.

Elijah face shifts as his brows furrow slightly, his eyes narrow and he tucks his hands into the pockets of his suit.

"What do you remember?"

The question lingered in the air between us, heavy with unspoken truths and forgotten memories. Elijah's gaze bore into mine, searching for any hint of deception or evasion. I held his stare, unwavering, as I carefully chose my next words.

"I dream from the other night. The one with Celeste." I state carefully, seeing his reaction about just that fact alone.

Elijah's jaw tightens imperceptibly at the mention of Celeste's name, a flicker of emotion crossing his features before he schools his expression into one of neutrality. 

I know he must be reliving memories long buried, the pain and betrayal still fresh despite the passage of time.

"I thought you couldn't remember anything from that night. You told me that you couldn't remember the dream at all," Elijah points out as he moves towards me, standing in front of me as I turn around again so that I am facing him.

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