Chapter 5 - Errands and Answers of the Future

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I find myself standing in a bare field in the middle of the night

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I find myself standing in a bare field in the middle of the night.

I do not recognise the star placements or anything around me which makes me a little unnerved but the feeling of my quiver and bow pressing against my back soothes me.

The moon, a far-flung lantern kindling the vast inky expanse overhead, casts a silvery glow upon the uneven terrain beneath my feet.

The winds whispered cryptic secrets, dancing with the long grass of the field. A sense of unease loomed ahead. In truth, I was a stranger to this land , and it was a stranger to me. 

This place was not bound by the familiar contours of my homeland nor did it echo with the soft whispers of those I held dear. 

No, it was quite alien, with its own strange hum that vibrated beneath the soil, echoing through my bones.

As I go to take a step forward, two wolves that were larger than any I had ever beheld burst forth from the cover of the dense, shadowy forest flanking the field.

Their coats, the colour of moonlit snow and dust from that which had been burnt, shimmer under the contemplative gaze of the night. The wolves' eyes glint with an intelligence that surpasses what I've come to expect from beasts of the wild.

The one with the black fur's eyes glow an icy blue with the slight hint of green while the one with snow like colourings' eyes glow an orangey-red.

The wolves held my gaze, their eerie silence punctuated by the chilling howls that seemed to echo from the depths of their beings.

My heart pounded in my chest, a terrified rabbit caught within the jaws of a cunning fox. Yet, I found myself rooted to the spot, paralyzed by the primal majesty of the creatures before me. My fingers hovered instinctively over the quiver at my back, yet I held back from drawing an arrow.

Something inside me felt as though their presence was familiar.

In the depths of their eyes, I saw no savagery, no impending threat. It was simply a silent acceptance, a knowledge bore by countless moons that had risen and fallen upon this unfamiliar land. The black wolf cocked his head, eyes still fixed upon me.

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