Chapter 19 - Fixing Past Wrongs

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"If you don't believe me then read it for yourself

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"If you don't believe me then read it for yourself. But it is right there in the spell, we need the blood of all living doppelgangers. Which means we need Elena." I huff out as I shove the grimoire across the table towards Kol and Finn while my eyes locked with Kol.

Kol's eyes narrowed as he flipped through the ancient pages, his fingers tracing the intricate symbols etched into the parchment. 

"This can't be right," he murmurs, his voice laden with disbelief. "It also calls for a nexus event which will amplify the effects of the spell. Without it, we won't be able to replicate the necessary conditions." 

Finn's eyes flickered with a mixture of concern and intrigue as he leaned in, studying the passage closely.

I wave both of them off, "I do not need such a frivolous thing. I have four Original vampires at my disposal to carry out this plan. We don't need a nexus event." My voice drips with confidence as I lock eyes with Kol, daring him to challenge me.

But Kol's gaze is not on me but rather on Finn as the two of them share a look. 

As they know that it is not Rebekah nor Elijah that I miss out when I say four instead of five.

Finn clears his throat and straightens as he brings us back on topic, "How shall we convince the Gilbert girl to hand over her blood then?"

"Quite simple." A new voice adds as the door to the room opens and Elijah enters with a guest following him into the room.

Elena Gilbert.

"Just ask," Elena says with a forced smile.

"Just ask," Elena says with a forced smile

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