Chapter 34 - Out in the Open

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As we arrive at the witch cemetery, something catches Elijah's attention other than the loud shouting of the Mikaelson siblings that I had sent here

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As we arrive at the witch cemetery, something catches Elijah's attention other than the loud shouting of the Mikaelson siblings that I had sent here. He heads in the opposite direction of Klaus, Rebekah and Finn's shouting match and I follow after him, wanting to know what has piqued his interest. 

We tread carefully through the maze of weathered headstones, each one marked with eerie symbols and faded names. 

Elijah finally stops in front of a large, ornate mausoleum, its stone facade covered in ivy and moss. Elijah doesn't even stop to look over it unlike me and Kol who are confused as to why he has led us here. 

The mausoleum is open and as I walk inside, I realise it isn't a body house at all but a hidden chamber that has links to the tunnels that lay under the cemetery which I remember from when they had kidnapped me and Kol.

The air inside the chamber is thick and musty, making it hard to breathe. I look around, trying to make out the shapes in the dim light filtering through cracks in the stone walls. Elijah's eyes are fixed on a peculiar altar at the center of the chamber,where a whole skeleton is laid on top of it.

But that isn't what he is looking but rather the woman standing by the top of the altar.

"Hello, Celeste." Elijah greets Celeste still in Sabine's body as he watches her while I roll my eyes and Kol grabs my hand as though that would stop me from killing the deserving bitch.

"Elijah," she greets as she seems to have found her french accent again.

"I wasn't expecting you to find me here," Celeste says with a smirk, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous light. "But then again, the Mikaelsons have become quite resourceful since they found their little plaything again, haven't they?" She looks her eyes with me and I smile back, not bothered by what she said as she thought I would be.

Elijah's jaw tenses at her taunt, his posture rigid with controlled fury. Kol, also rigid, goes to make a move against her but this time I stop him with a hand against his chest.

I step forward, the cold air of the chamber swirling around us as tension crackles in the space between Celeste and the Mikaelsons. 

My eyes lock with hers, steel meeting steel in a battle of wills.

In that moment, a flash of realization crosses Celeste's face as she finally recognizes the unyielding determination in my gaze. The smirk fades from her lips, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty as she understands that I am not some fragile girl.

I take another step closer to Celeste, my voice low and steady as I speak. "You thought you could manipulate us, control us like puppets on a string. But you underestimated the power of family and the strength we draw from each other." My words echo in the chamber.

Celeste shrugs with her own lazy smirk, "We will see,"

I share a look with Elijah before looking back to Celeste, "We will. You on the other hand..."

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