Chapter 27 - The Missing Finding the Lost

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Something is wrong

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Something is wrong.

That was Kol's first thought when he entered the house and it was quiet which is odd because Rebekah and Astrid are meant to be home together. And those two together usually meant chaos, not silence.

Kol frowned, the unease creeping up his spine as he called out their names. No response. He ventured further into the house, feeling the heavy silence pressing down on him. He cautiously made his way through the rooms, calling out their names with a growing sense of unease.

He steps on to the backyard porch and spots a sketchpad on the bench swing which makes him look out into the yard in confusion, looking for his sister and wife. But that is when he sees a wolf staring at him from the woods on the edge of the property.

The front door slams closed and Kol pulls his attention from wolf, instead making his way back inside to get the answers he wants.

In the foyer stood Elijah and Finn, who had returned from the church after dealing with the witches who had threatened their family. Elijah's sleeves were streaked with blood, while Finn's clothes bore splashes of crimson across them.

Kol didn't know what had happened between them and the witches tonight, but he was sure that Elijah's need to protect his family meant that no witch left that church alive.

"Where is Astrid?" Elijah asks Kol as he shrugs off his suit jacket with a raised brow.

Kol shook his head, gesturing towards the backyard where the wolf had been watching him moments ago. "I thought she was here with Rebekah. But no one is home and all I found was a sketchpad on the bench outside." Kol explained, his voice tinged with worry. Elijah's brow furrowed as Finn stepped forward, his expression grim.

"We need to find them," Finn said firmly, his gaze meeting Elijah's steely determination. "If they're not here, then something has happened."

Just as he says that, the door opens again and Klaus comes rushing in with worry on his face.

"Where is she?" He asks immediately, not letting others get a chance to speak.

"We don't know," Elijah answers as he watches his brother, "Why?"

"Marcel was here," Klaus informs them and all their expressions became the same, one that spoke volumes of the danger their family is to those who crossed them.

Without a word, all four men leave the house as they exactly what war they were about to start for the woman they love.

The compound is crowded with vampires, most without daylight rings and all too eager to start a fight to prove themselves.

Elijah gestures with his head to the stairs that lay hidden to the right of the them and the crowd. Kol and Finn slip through the vampires who had never seen them before and up the stairs to the level where Marcel is standing on.

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