Chapter 28- Plotted Schemes and Forced Hands

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Marcel sits in his normal seat in his bar room which is filled with most of his daywalkers and his inner circle as he speaks with Diego who is sitting opposite him

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Marcel sits in his normal seat in his bar room which is filled with most of his daywalkers and his inner circle as he speaks with Diego who is sitting opposite him.

The door to the bar opens but no one pays it any mind until the older vampires smell something that they thought they had rid the quarter of.


Marcel looks to the door, where Tyler is standing and looking around the bar, as every vampire is on edge and staring at the intruder.

"I am looking for Marcel," Tyler announces to bar, "I have some information that might interest him."

Marcel's grip tightens on his glass as he watches Tyler with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity but doesn't move, waiting to see if he will give him anymore.

"I want to make a deal about Klaus Mikaelson," Tyler adds which turns the whole bar silent and those who weren't aware of his presence are now. 

Everybody is watching and listening intently as Tyler's words hang heavy in the air

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Everybody is watching and listening intently as Tyler's words hang heavy in the air. 

Marcel narrows his eyes, assessing the werewolf's intentions.

Slowly, Marcel rises from his seat, his movements deliberate and calculated. He gestures for Diego to not stand before looking around the bar and ordering, "Everybody out!"

Without another word, the whole bar clears out including Diego except for two vampires who stay in their place as protectors of Marcel.

Marcel steps closer to Tyler, the tension palpable in the air as they face each other in a silent standoff. 

Finally, Marcel speaks in a low, serious tone, "What do you know about Klaus Mikaelson that would interest me, wolf?"

Tyler meets Marcel's gaze squarely, his expression unreadable.

"I know about the girl that he is keeping hidden in his house," Tyler tells him with a slight smirk.

Marcel, his eyes narrowing at the mention of a girl hidden in Klaus Mikaelson's house. The memory of the girl with the Mikaelson attitude who answered the door when he went knocking before promptingly slamming it in his face.

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