Chapter 22 - The Starts of a Plan to Protect the Future

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When I open my eyes, I find myself bathed darkness

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When I open my eyes, I find myself bathed darkness. 

Pure, blissless darkness.

"Hello?" I call out, hoping to find Kol or any other person that I trust.

But my voice just echoes through the darkness which doesn't seem to have an end.

Witches have always be a part of my life since the moment I was born, but if Esther is to be believed even before that.

They have been my friends, my teachers, the ones I have trusted most but recently, they have become the species that I hate the most.

Every move I make, every action I take, there seems to be a witch there ready to screw it all up for me.

I no longer trust the witches and when I figure out where I am and how to get out, I am going to make those that have done this, wish they had never been born.

The only thing that scares me in this moment is how much this place feels like limbo.

And I would rather die than be stuck there again.

As soon as Klaus and Elijah had gotten the call from Finn, they were on the the first flight to New Orleans which means they would be there before night fall, while Rebekah was unreachable by all

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As soon as Klaus and Elijah had gotten the call from Finn, they were on the the first flight to New Orleans which means they would be there before night fall, while Rebekah was unreachable by all.

Niklaus was outwardly brooding over the matter, he didn't enjoy being summoned this manner like he was being controlled by another but most of all, he hated that they had taken Astrid to do so.

The one person on this earth that he loved more than himself and his siblings. He had set her free to protect her but as it turns out that she needs his protection. Which is how he decided after he got her back and killed those who dared to hurt his wife, she was never leaving his side again.

Elijah, on the hand, kept his anger internal with his suit perfectly done up as he sat in his seat, his mind already planning the strategic moves needed to reclaim Astrid safely. He should have never let Astrid go without him, and should have known better that Kol and Finn who had been daggered for a long time wouldn't understand that their enemies were everywhere.

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