Chapter 21 - Happiness in an Unknown City

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Kol lays on my right, full naked but so am I and Finn who is still asleep behind

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Kol lays on my right, full naked but so am I and Finn who is still asleep behind. Kol tucks some of my run away hair behind my ear as he kisses me again and I smile content at him, my body still buzzing with remnants of pleasure from earlier.

The early morning light streamed through the sheer curtains, casting a warm glow across Kol's face. A lazy smile played on his lips as he gazed at me, his eyes reflecting the love and contentment we shared.

I could feel Kol's warm breath against my skin as he peppered my face with gentle kisses. The tender touch of his lips sent shivers down my spine, intertwining with the lingering echoes of last night's passion.

As Kol's kisses trailed down my neck, I let out a soft sigh of pure bliss.

I sighed softly, my heart fluttering with a mix of desire and tenderness. The weight of the moment settled upon us, like a quiet sanctuary in a world filled with chaos. In this bubble of intimacy, everything else faded away.

Kol's fingers traced delicate patterns on my bare back, leaving a trail of tingling sensation in their wake. His touch was like a gentle melody, a wordless promise of unwavering love and devotion. It was in these moments that I felt truly seen, truly understood.

Finn stirred behind us, his arm draped loosely over my waist as he slowly emerged from his slumber. I am careful not to move, not to wake Finn as he had spent the last few nights awake with me after a rather terrible nightmare when they first arrived in New Orleans.

Kol had kept his promise and they hadn't actually left room since they had arrived. 

A hot, exhilarating 3 days of sex, laughter, passion and exploration unlike anything I'd ever experienced.

Now, as the sun began to rise over the city, it seemed to beckon us to leave our cocoon of passion and embrace the day.

"I want to leave this room, Kol. See more of the city then these four walls," I say softly to Kol, trying to not wake Finn until we have actual plans.

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