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I look at Ellie.I am shocked. I didn't know that Annie died here.My mind is to occupied. I don't know what to say.

Vanessa and Francis are standing,watching our reaction. Which is kind of funny when someone, who doesn't know why are we like this, watching us.

Vanessa looks like that's not her problem,and it's not,but without any emotion on her face...I don't get it.How can she be that cruel?

-Anna,we are going inside,are you going with us?-Katherine walked to the place where we were standing
asking us pretty scared.

I look at her nodding.Turning my back to Francis and Vanessa I walk straight in school without turning around.

-I can't believe. -Ellie said shooking her head.

-Me ether.I mean, we were the only one who seated on that space..The only ones who didn't know that and whose ruined some kind of respect to her.That's pretty unbelievable ...

-Yeah..I know ...What do you think,is it true that the one who sit there will die soon?-she asked me.I forget about that completely.

-What are you talking about?-Katherine asked us.

-About the haunted place..-I said trying to be quiet.I know that I were sitting over there,but I feel now like she can hear me talking about her.

-I think someone told me something about that place few days ago..-she made 'I'm-trying-to-remember' face.-I know, I know. Alex!?-she screamed her name running in the circle around herself.

-I'm here.-Alex show up waving with her hand next to me.She get the hell out of me.I didn't notice that she was by my side.I was too occupied whit my thoughts.-And yes,I was the one who told you.You know the girl who died like three weeks ago?-we nodded -Well they are saying that that girl were sitting on haunted spot like month or two before she died.

Okay,this is creepy.And I don't like creepy story's. Nope..No way..I may be brave when I get in a difficult situations but when I found myself thinking about paranormal activities I almost pee in my pants.

-Good to know.We are not the only ones who were sitting there.-Ellie said.She's not getting the point.Or she's just don't want to admit it.

-That's not the point you idiot.Some of us to is going to die.-I said trying to imitate scary voice,I caused them laughing.

-Yeah..I can bet that I am the one.. -she said smiling.

We are commenting about that theme on the next class.She's not worry at all.Me? I feel quiet quilt 'cause all of these.It is pretty annoying what had happened in only one day,and it's not eaven over.

When we finished with the school we went out and find out that annoyingly Francis was still there. Was he waiting all time long? That's creepy.

He was sitting on the grass where we let him standing with Vanessa.Ellie was going home with me,we were planing to spend day together on the pool behind my house.We tried to sneak to the car without Francis noticing us but of course that he saw us..It so obvious..I mean hello he is standing there looking in our way and we are still trying to sneak. Really nigga?

-Can we talk?-I heard his familiar deep voice and truned around to look at him.I can't say that he's not hot,he is and he have beautifull eyes If I can admite..I'm just wondering does he have 6 or 8 packages...? Huh...

-You asking me or Ellie?-I don't want to say 'yes ' and end up by telling 'I wasn't asking you ' yeah...So it's better to ask.

-You.Ellie and me..We know what to do...Don't we?-he asked and she just shrugged. He walk to her and give her a kiss on her lips.They are pretty nice couple.They can be freaks together! Yeeey ...And the one of the freaks is my best friend..Yeeey!

He get of her and smirk before looking again at me.I raised one eyebrow.That's women's control over herself,when she instead of raising her voice raise eyebrow.

-At my place..-what the hell? Why would for the goodness sake I should do at his place? -We can't go at your place beacuse it's pretty obvious that there would be Jack too..So for me it's better to go at my place ..I don't know about you...?-he asked..He got the point..Jack will be there..But it's pretty uncomfortable for me to go at his place when he's dating my best friend.

-Why don't we go at some place in the town or something like that? -I asked trying to get myself out of this awkward situation.

He shake his head.-I need to show you some pictures ..I can't bring them out.-he said shrugging.

I look at Ellie.She is standing there acting like she don't know what are we talking about, but knowing her she knows everything.
I step closer to her and get the keys out of my pocket.

-Wait me at home..I'll try to be quick.-she nodded.

-Shall we?- he said waking to his black car ,which I don't know mark, and he opened the door on the passengers side of the car waiting for me to climb in to shoot them.I didn't know that guys still do that..Do they?

Drive past on silence. He parked the car in the garage where the people who lives in that building  park their cars.He opened the door for me and I quietly said 'Thanks '...I don't know if I should say that or not..I was never in this situation..I never really meet some guy who do that.

We step in the elevator and he pressed the button. I can't stop questing myself if Ellie did something in this elevator with him.I know that she was at his place,and I also know that she Is such a pervert person who will found this space pretty interesting to do things in it.I shook my head trying to get away picture of them doing that in this elevator.This is not the 50 shades of grey.He's not Mr.Grey and she's not that girl Anna,Annie..or something like that..Ironic...

We get in his apartment and he show me to seat on the black couch,while he went in the other room.

I still can't get it how they can live like this.They are just supposed to get up, do what the hell they want and then go back to sleep.

-So..I wanted to show you some pictures ...-he said when he show up on the door.I slowly nodded and he sit next to me.

He is holding group of pictures on his lap.

-This is Annie, Jack and me on our first party,when I met her.-he said showing me picture.I'm recognized Jack with his blond hair and greenish blue eyes,sometimes yellow staring in girl with black long hair and green eyes..Her eyes looks like they're mad and in the same time sad.She is smiling but she looks like she can kill someone.Next to Jack, without smile or any expression on his face was standing Francis the same as now. -You see I didn't like her.He was a problem.But Jack choose her eaven if he knew that she was a problem and that she had problems like noon else.-he shook his head getting other picture.On this are just Jack and Annie.She is looking lovingly at Jack and he seems really happy hugging her from the back.Next one was them three.Francis standing in the front laughing and in the back are Annie on Jack shoulders. They all seems happy.
Next ten pictures was the evidence of their happiness. When he show me next one I almost scream and throw it on the flor.It was picture from newspaper..Cherished car whose doesn't eaven looks like a car..And where should be a door of the car are white ,dead girl looking in front of her.She looks like the girls from the horror movies with that creepy look on her face and black hair.I can see my school in the back..People around the car and Jack on the grass with Francis whose holding his shoulders keeping him up.This picture is such a opposite...So much pain...I look at Francis and saw him greeting his teeth and looking away.

-I want you to take this and keep it with yourself. -he give me picture.It's Annie..Shining in all her beauty.Smiling wildly with white teeths and red lips..On her white face and her green eyes in the shadow of grass.She is a real masterpiece.

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