''I'm not afraid''

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I look at her.She seems somehow different. I don't know.

All i know is that i have a spy aunt.Or the tennage girl in the body of 22 years old women ?

''You can close your mouth.'' she said and laugh.

I immediately closed my opened mouth and blushed.

And  then i realized. She have ombre just like me!But she have blond hair,and her ombre is with blue color. Cool!

My aunt is taller than me,but not too much.She have blue pierced eyes and blond long hair (now with blue on the end). Her lips are natural red,not dark red, but red enough so she don't need lipstick. She's always smiling and showing her white teeth.Many people think that she's my older sister or my mother.And she also have two tattoos.One is ''WARRIOR'' on her left hand.Second is "freedom'' on her neck beside her hair.

''Why are you steering?'' she ask with her mouth full with pancakes.

''I was just thinking about how beautiful you are.'' Ok,this didn't sound so weird in my head.

She cough and look at me with confusion on her face. ''Are you lesbian?"

Now i'm coughing. Wtf?!

''No..Of course not! Why would you even think that?"

''Young lady that's not something that you talk around to girls.That's first thing i thought when you said that to me.I'm glade you're not,i mean i don't have bad thinking about lesbians that's cool in some way,but my little cousin can't be lesbian.You are not,right?'' she asked me again.

''Nooooo..I told you no,i'm not lesbian for shore.''

''Good.'' she laugh. ''And please don't say that things again, ok?" she looked me directly in my eyes.

I nodded.

''Wait how did you got the key of my room? '' i asked suddenly remembered that she show me the key.I forgot about that fact,i was to surprised about whole thing.

''Well..I had a little help.'' she admitted and look at her hands.

''What help?"

My window is too high to just climb in there without any help.I know that she is a professional in sneaking out but i think that this is too much even for her.

She looks ashamed. ''Well what are you think?" she snap,and there it is.She don't look ashamed anymore.

''Obvious i don't know and that's why i'm asking.''

''Our hot neighborhood help me to climb in and we use to talk just a little bit.'' she show me with her fingers how is that little bit.

''Noo..You're not?'' i asked suspicious.

''Yes.And i make a little shit.Nothing big.'' she fake smiled.

''What shit?''

''He thinks that i'm your older sister.'' I looked at her with angry face. ''I couldn't say no.He was all like oh i didn't know she have so beautiful older sister.''she said in deep man voice.

I couldn't help but laugh.She joined me.

''And i promised to go to the party tonight.''

She catch me off guard. She what? She's not..noooo...

''You didn't!''

''Yes i did,and i also talked to Marry,Alex,Eli,Maria and Katherine..Oh god why couldn't you have two friends so i don't have to spend my breath so much? Jesus.. And they will all sleep here.'' she smiled.

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