'Get back'

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That was rude from Elie,I know that Mina is a whore,but she doesn't have to say that so..so directly.

Mina is,well she's different.She is a whore,that's truth.But she's also good in bed.I know that 'cause I am right now in bed with her.She know all positions in bed.She is sleeping,all naked in my bed,in my room.Her clothes is everywhere around the room.Her bra is on the chair,her panties are on the floor,and her shorts is on the edge of the bed.Her naked body is covered with my white sheet.I can see the way her ass is going up,how sheet is stuck between her legs  and letting out one her leg.Her blond hair is all around her back and pillow.Used condom is lying next to the trash can.

I turned around and look to the wall.It's weird.People would say that I will forget her while I'm fucking other girl..But nooo..In most inportant moment during the sex I remember her face.

She was different today..Her long hair now is short with blue on the end and she's wearing all black.I really love the way how she looks in it.It show her curves.She looks like she's became a bad girl..Something like Elie.

I remember that Elie cheet on her boyfriend,which name I can't remember,on the party.I don't really want to remember that night.That was my biggest turned off in my entire life.

She pushed me and I can't get over it.I didn't know that she have a boyfriend.Alex said that she don't have one.I believed her.It's looks like I shouldn't.

From that night I fucked three girls,well now four.I don't really remember their names,it's not important.One of them was virgin.She was bleeding,but not too much.Just enough to get dirty my sheet.On the end she cry.She said that I ruined her,but I did only what she want.She was the one who said 'do you need someone to sleep with' with her eyes,not me.The other two was good.One of them stay for the night but when I wake up she wasn't there.I don't blame her.If I was on her place I would do the same..But she had good boobs.

I heard how Mina turned around and I look at her.She look at me with her green eyes..But I don't want her green eyes I want someones brown.I need them to look at me this way.I look at ceiling.

She put her hand on my cheek and get closer.I feel her head on my sholder but I didn't hug her.

-So..We are now..Like together?-she asked me with sleepy and treble voice.

-Where do you hear that?-I don't need a realtionship,and I know that I'm look like an idiont but I don't care about her.

-What do you mean? We sleep together,like one hour ago.-her voice sound upset.

-And who said that a sex mean that we need to be together?-I don't understand.From when sex mean obligation?

-Wait..Did you just fucked me and you mean that you will just,waht? Fly away..-now she start screaming.

-Nope..I think that you will fly away,if you have wings..And if you don't just pick up your stuff and walk away.-I get up in the bed without looking at her.I am naked,but it's not like I care.Just one hour ago I was in her and she was moaning my name.So I don't care about her.I care just about one girl and she don't want to see me,so I don't care about this whore.

I don't realy know from when I start caring about her.When I saw her in the classroom I was trying not to laugh.She was so funny and she looks diferent from the others in the room.Now i'm asking myself was that the love on the first look? Oh my God did I just asked myself that? No..That wasn't the love on the first look.That doens't happened in the real life.

But when I kissed her below her window I feel like never before.In start her lips was hard like stone,I guess 'cause of shock,but when she kiss me back..That was amazing.I was trying to badly not to get of her shirt.It was so hard to control myself.

I turned around and look at Mina.She is sitting in bed with sheet in her lap covering her female landscapes but revealing her white boobs with pink nipples.She have good boobs.They are like mini bomblets.In face it's not so pretty.Her big round green eyes are stare in me with anger.Her thin lips are pressed in a line that is turning white around.Her white cheeks became red from anger.She's look at me like she can every moment jump on me and kill me with hands.It's not like she was virgine.I mean a whole school crossed over her.I just hope that I don't catch AIDS.

-Why are you looking at me like that? We had sex,thats all.There wasn't emotions in it.-I said harshly.

-Yes there were emotions.You were in it almost like me.And you now talking to me like you ...You just wanted to fuck me..? Is that what it's looks like.You just wanted to fuck me? Now when you finish with me you are gonna fuck some other gilrl..? And when you finish you are gona say her to leave?-she stand up walking to me naked.I guess that I should be amberesed,but i'm not.

-Yes.-I simply answer looking directly in her eyes.It's look like if she can she will kill me with her look.-Now if you are finished with your actiong of the virgine,leave.-I sad turning away giving her last look.

-You son of the bitch! How dare you?! You can't just fuck girl and then push her away! Especially when there was emotions..

-I'm glad to hear that you have emotions for me,but ,don't be disappointed,I don't feel anything for you.I don't eaven like you..You were the first girl with good ass when I walk this morning in the school,so I pick you.Sex is not for people with emotions.If you want that you are living in the wrong time.I am hungry and I need a shower after you,so you should leave.-I said and walk in bathroom without waiting for her answer.I wanted to kick her so badly.

She was expecting to be with me? Silly girl...I don't want to be with anyone..I don't need them.God made girls to be fucked by us.So I will follow the God and his rules.I will fuck them all.They deserve that.

I can't say that I was like this when I was living in UK.Girls over there are different,I can't say better but they are different for sure.I was good boy then..I lost my virginiti when I was fourteen.I think that girl was Caroline or something like that.I was drunk so I don't really remember.I just remember the feeling.It was good but I didn't know what to do.The girl was whore so I let her to take control.Morning after that I found myself in some messy room with naked girl next to me.I pick up my clothes and leave.

You can say that I never think about sex like it's something important.It's just a game for me.If I fuck her I win,If not..Well that's a shame.But mostly I win.The only girl who win in my little game is Anna.Not 'cause she wanted,it 'cause I let her to win.I really like her,I don't know why,there is something what pulls me to her.I can't stop thinking about her.About her smile,her big brown eyes and fuller lips.She is complitly opposite to Mina.

I step in the shower and start my morning routine,except this is some kind of afternoon routine.I close my eyes imagine her face in my head and letting my muscles to relax.

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