'Ready or not'

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When Elie left me on the parking loat I just walk back in the school and continued like nothing happened,because,well nothing has happened.The rest of the day was pretty boring.Everyone who was on my party told me that I've got amazing house and the party was awesome.Katherine and Alex told me that they 'like' my new look but I can see in their eyes that they don't really like it.It's not like I care.It's my look not theirs.

Mark didn't show in school for the rest of the day.He is probably with that girl,whore..I don't know.They are dping something.Something wild,for example? Probably..

During lunch we had pretty interesting girl talk about virginity.It's looks like I am the last virgine in our circle of friends.How that happened?I was I shock when I realized it.I feel old now..The point is that I wuld like to lose it,not because of them,because of me.I think that I am ready for that.I don't know how to explain that.They all agree that the best way to lose it is with your best friend,male of cours.And I agreed that I don't have best male friend.After lunch I was asking myself how is that possible? Can I look on Jack in that way? Is he my best friend? I don't think that he is my best friend,but he is my friend. 

Until the end of the school I made a major life decision.I will ask Jack to sleep with me.Well I am ot going to ask him..How would that looks like? 

Hey Jack,you know I am a virgine,and you are my friend,so what you think..You and I,hmm?
Hey Jack I am a virgine and I would like to sleep with you?
Hey Jack would you like to fuck me? And oh yeah,I am a virgine...
Hey why don't you sleep with me,and If you find some blood on sheet don't blame me,blame my virginity..

Hahahhaha yeah right..No.Do I want him to be drunk? Maybee..But he's not drinking that much,and If I shows up in his room drunk he wouldn't do that.

It's eight in the evening,I need to do it now..I look in his room door and take a deep breath.Just knock.I raised my hand ready to knock when I heard familiar ring tone.

-Shit!-I get my phone from my pocket and answer.

-Yes?-I whispered.

-Heeey girll...What's uppp?-Elie.I knew it.Who on the Eart can ruine this moment?!

-It's not good time.

-Yeah...?Why? -I know that she's trying not to laugh.

-Elie!-I sad a little bit too loud.I looked over my sholder and when I make sure that the door are closed I whispered.-It's not important.Call me later!-I hang up.

I am really glad that he don't have two sided mirror-door.

I take a deep breath and cnock on the door.I hope that he's not home.But he is.Door are opened just in front of me and he is standing there with his messy hair.

-Mm?-is his quoestion.

-I need to talk with you.-I said and walk in the room.

-Who said that you can get in?-He said but he closed the door.

-Me.-I simply said and sit on the couch.He walk and stopped in front of me.

-What is it?-he said.I can see that he was sleeping.He got that sexy voice and he don't have a shirt.

I stand up,take his hand and walk upstairs.I stand in front of him and look him in eyes before I take off my shirt.I can say tha he is in shock and confusion.I take off my pants too.I hope that he have a condom.

-Wait! Wait! Wait! What are you doing?-he said harshly.He is blushing.

-Isn't it obvious?-I don't want to say it out loud.I am enough amberesed.

-Are you trying to have sex with me?-He asked and he is still sleeping.I appaluded.He opened his eyes and stare at me.-Why?-He said without breath.

-I want that.-I said in daaah voice.Oh common.Do I have to do all job?

I push him on the bed and sit on his lap.Put his hands on my butt and kiss him.He is still confused but he accepted the game.He grab my butt and kiss me with a pasion.He practicly threw me on the bad and lay on me still kissing me.I can feel his hand on my leg and other on my stomach.He slowly put his hand in my panties.Okay I didn't expect that..Or I was expecting? Never mind it feels good.I can hear that he's looking for condom with his other hand.I think that he found it because he get his hand out and I can hear rustle.I opened my eyes and found his blue,now almost yellow.

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