''I think i have a heart attack''

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Oh i have so bad headache.I think that i'm going to die.Why is this happening?

And then i realized: how did i get home?

I jump from the bed and look around. It was still dark outside.

Hey wait why is window on that side? And why is my bed so big? And who the hell is this guy in bed?

What the hell is happened last night? Why am I in this,for me unknown, room with this guy in the same bed?

Last thing i remember is Simon hitting me in face.I mechanically touch me face.Oh shit! Under my fingers i could feel something and that something is hurting so badly.

I looked in the guy who was catching some beauty sleep while I'm awake with some  thing on my face.

I seat next to him on bed and shake his shoulder. He mumble something and continue sleeping.

I shake harder.

''What?" he groaned and get up his head to look at me.

Wait..Wait.. WHAT?! Why is Mark here with me ?!

"What are you doing here?'' I said without thinking. ''Where em I? How did i get here? And what the hell happened last night?"

" Can we talk about that later please?" he mumbled.

"No.I want the answers now!"

He turned around and seat.

"Ok..I am here because this is my room. You are in my house. I bring you here.I fuck you last night, that's all.''

Wait, what did he said last? He did what?

''You did what?!" I screamed out.

''I'm joking.''

''That things are seriously not for joking.I have mini heart attack right now.'' i seriously said. ''What happened?'' I asked one more time.

" You was so drunk that when Simon hit you you fall down and sleep.I wanted to bring you home but your friends told me that you sneak out so i bring you here.In my room,in my bed." he explained..

Oh so I'm in the room of the stranger in his bad.How could i know that he's  not some kind of psychopath killer..

Anna you are so stupid. If he want to kill you he would do that last night when you were drunk.

''I hope that I didn't say to much things.'' I lay back on the bed.

''Well..'' he said with huge smile.

''What?'' I said.

''You were saying some things''

''What things?'' ok now it's official.. I am freaking out.

What could I said? Ohh this is not fair...

''Whell you were saying that i'm your hero..That I am he hottest guy in the room.Irony is that i'm the only guy in the room.But it's ok,never mind. And you were singing to me while i was showering. It was something like ''Hey mr. Sexy don't stop the water. You look so hot behind the glasses..''.'' He laugh so damn hard that he shake me with the bed.

''No way! Please tell me that you are joking with me..PLEASE? '' I feel so stupid and ashamed. My cheeks are burning..

He shook his head and laugh even harder if is that possible.

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