'Voodoo doll'

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I woke up at 5 in the morning and from then I can't sleep.

I can't stop thinking about Jack,our fight and how he kissed me.He kissed me with so much passion that I am still in shock.I can't pull away the filling of his lips on mine.How he grab my waist..We were so close.

I can't understant how fast he change from anger to passion.He is weird.

The point was I enjoyed.In first I was trying to push him away from me,but when I opened my mouth to say him to stop the kiss became stronger and sent the willies to my spin.My legs was like ice cream,and in the moment I just want him.Him to cover my body with his..Him to take of my shirt..Him to be the first guy who will touch my body on that way..And that is weird..This is the first time that I was thinking that way..And that is the point! The point is I am old enough to make my decisions and if I want that to sleep with a boy.

I am 17 years old,and this is the year of my change.I will be the diferent girl.I will be the bad girl..

I feel the sizzling pain in my hand and I look at it.My hand is swollen and red 'cause of tattoo I did yesterday.Last night i forget to rub hand with cream,I was occupied with my thinking abou Jack.And look how that ended..

I stand up and look at the clock.It's half past six.I have just enough time to take a shower and get ready.

I take of my shirt for sleeping,panties and a bra.I feel naked.Maybe 'cause I am naked.Probably.

I stand in front of the mirror and look my naked body.I first noticed a small birthmark on the left side of my stomach.I don't know why but I love that birthmark.I don't have a big boobs like Elie,or muscular legs like Katherine..My body was diferenet.My boobs are just enough big to fit in your hand.My stomach is muscular and shows tiles when I thighten it.Elie love to say that I have ass almost like Brazilians.My legs are muscular but not like Katherine.They are muscular from playin football,basketball and volleyball.Only my hands are different.I am tall and i wear a big size of shoes,but my hands are small.Like really small.I have the smallest hands in my old,and new,familly ,in my group of friend and i have smaler hand from anybody I meet.Its really annoying.

Do people really look diferent after sex? How that can change them? Is that possible?

I need to wait to see that..

I pass the mirror and walk in my new,big,bathroom...It have jacuzzi,big bathtub and shower...It's really cool.

I step in the shower and let the almost hot watter.Thi is the only thing that I love almost as sleeping.I let the watter relax tense muscles and then rub the whole body with shower gel with aroma of vanilla and chocolate three times.When i finish i step out and feel the cold air.I get the big white towel and put it around my body.

I need to find something good to wear.It's almost seven.I walk in the room for clothing,it's bigger than my old room.In the corner I found my new clothes.That's all black.I take a leather,black,pants,white shirt with cigaret and leather,again black,jacket.From the shoes I tke a black heels with spines.But first I need a bra and paties.I take a set of red laced and put them on.When i put on my shirt I reaziled that you can see my bra..I like that..

My short hair is going in every possible way and it's looks messy.And I like it.

When I finish with my make up it's 7:50.How that can be possible?

I run downstairs and go in the garage.I jump in my new car and turned them on.They sound so good.

Kids do you like faast drive? I do.

I was just on time.While I was parking everyone is looking at me.Yeah..That's right you bitches! This is my new car.You got the kiss from me.

Elie is waititng for me.She is have a sunglasses,shorts and some short shirt..In one hand she is trying to hold two cup of coffees and in the other she hold cigaret.Wait what? Cigaret? Elie?

I walk to her and she give me the coffee..

-Ooooo someone is remember where is the school.-she said with a ironic voice.

-What?-her red hair is shinig on the sun.I guess that she forget to comb.Like usual.

-I've been waiting for you since 45..-she said and yawned.

-Who one the Erth said that I'll be here on the time?-I said.I glad that she forget about me and Jack.

-Never mind.So did you see him?-I hoped too early.

-Who?-I asked trying to immitate that I don't know who is she talking about.

-Jack,who else.And now there is Mark.-she start laughing while we were walikng in his direction.He is wearing all black and tight pants,and he have a rings on his hand and black sunglasses so I cant see his eyes.I didn't realized that he's holding some girls hand.She's walking beside him so I can't see her good.She si blond with shirt and i think that she don't have bra.Her shorts is so short that you have a good view on her ass.I look right in front of me,I don't want to look at him.

-Whore!-Elie said while we were walking nex to them.The girl turned around and Elie show her middle finger.I look at Elie and we start laughing.

-And when do you started with cigarets?-I asked her.She look at me and shrugged.

-Since you party.-she answer.-Do you wanna try?-She look at me with her glasses and  hoped that I can see her eyes,but i can't.Now i shrugged and she give me the cigaret.I take a smoke tryin not to caugh.It have a mint flavor.Like when you take a gum and take a breath.It just tickles your throat but nothing else.I take one more and give her back.

-Good.Now i'm not the only one.Everyone was watching me like 'oh my God is that a cigaret'.-she immitate the way that kids been watching her.

This is going to be a good day.I don't undertand what happened to him? Why is he wearing all black? I don't say that it's not good,it's exelent...But that's not him..The black colour emphasizes his muscule hands.

-Oh yeah.DId you hear the new gossip about Mark?-Elie asked me with nonchalant voice.


-They said that he fucked three girls since your party.And i guess that that girl is the next.-she said with smirk.

He did what? I'm shocked...I can hear people saying something about my party but i can't hear them.I only can see him with blond girl in the bed...

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