''I'm sexy and i know it''

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The party is bigger than the last night.Probably because it's the Friday night and there's no school tomorrow. The house is also bigger and the most kids i don't know.

I can se Vanessa standing with no one else but Mark.Cool..I'm cool.Yah i'm cool..It's not like we're together or something like that..

I don't know why but i feel jealous.

''Hey look at that candy  over there.'' Eli said an show as the guy whose sitting  at the chair next to pool.

I didn't know that this is the pool party. I don't have bikini.

The guy whose Eli show us is one of the bad guys in our school.I don't know how i know that but somehow i know.don't ask me how.

He have black hair which is standing straight up on his head.It's not too long,on the sides is short. His brown eyes have long eyelashes. I feel jealousy when i watch it.Hes cheeks are red from laughing. He is shirtless and wet from the water in the pool.And his muscles are visible under his skin,he must practices a lot.

Wow he's really beautiful.How i didn't saw him until now?

''Hey do you think that here is maybe some lost older guy? I don't wanna go to jail.'' Andrijana smirk.

''I don't know.. Maybe..'' i said.

''Hey Andrijana!" oh no..I turned around and see Mark whit his hand raised in the air.

''Hey Mark.'' my aunt answer.

How ridiculous is when the boy who kissed you this morning is thinking that your aunt is your sister and maybe,just maybe have crush on her,and she is older than him?

''What's up? '' he smiled and hug her.

He hug her? Like really hug her? okaayyy..They look like they know each other for years not for hours.

''You know Anna right?" she asked showing on me with her hand.

''Yeah..Hi Anna.'' he said and turn around to her again.Great.Just great.My evening couldn't start better.

''I think i might like this guy." Marry smiled.

I looked at girl she show me.

He's adorable like a little boy. I think he's a rocker or something like that.

He have brown curl hair,not too long but also not too short,just perfect.He's eyes are soft brown..or yellow.. or something in the middle.. I can't see from this distance. He smiled and i could see dimple on hiss left cheek.He's wearing black tight jeans and "NIRVANA" black shirt.Ih his hand is bottle of bear,i think.He's adorable..

''Go in action.'' I told her with a huge smile.

''Really? You think..you think he may like me?" she ask me.

''Why wouldn't he? You are sweet,kind,beautiful, handsome, sexy just great person.''i told her and i mean it.I really think that about her.

She is my best friend and if someone say something or do something to her he or she will respond to me.

She hug me and i wrap my hands around her shoulders.Even with heels she is shorter than me.I give her a smile when she walked to the guy she show me a minute before.

I watch his reaction when he saw her.I guess se give her a smile and he smile back or he smiled first. Never mind it's important that he smile at her.When they start talking i turned around and realized that my aunt is still talking to Mark.Geeez.
I give her a look and she ignored me.

''Is that right Anna?" she asked me to get me in conversation. She may think that i want to talk with him.
I just ignored and looked for any off my friends.

Eli is with the Mr. Candy,Marry with Mr.Adorable, Maria with some girl,and Alex and Katherine are walking in my way.

''Here you go.'' Alex give me a red cup with something red inside.

''Thanks.'' i said to her and smell the drink.It smells like strawberry i think.I take a drink.It's sweet on my tongue but when the drink found way to my stomach i can feel burning. Geeeez it's strong what ever it is..

''What the hell is she doing?!'' i heard Katherine shouting and look at her.O followed where her eyes watching and found Maria kissing some blond chick.

What...what.. wh...wha...what the hell is she doing?! Why is she kissing that girl over there? Is she a lesbian or something like that? But he have a boyfriend, some Michel boy who i don't know. Maybeyoudon't know him because he is not real? My suspicious side told.Nooo she wouldn't lie about that..Would she?

I can feel how the drink in my stomach trying to come back in my mouth.I swallow fluently in my mouth and look again to shocked faces of Katherine,Alex,Andrijana and Mark.

''Is she...uhmmm..a lesbian?" Mark asked confused.

''No..Well i don't think so..I mean i don't know.'' Alex shrugs.

''Well i didn't expect that..'' Katherine said.

''Oh common.. Like i didn't do that zilion times when i was drunk or when we played truth or dare..'' my aunt grumble.

Mark laugh and i join him.I cannot imagine my mother saying that.Probably because she's never done that.

''You are crazy.''he said to her.

''Well thank you young man.'' she giggle.

I give her a don't-fall-for-him-he's-too-young look and she nodded.If she fall for him i will kill myself. Not because i like him,'cause i'm not,it's because she is older than him and he think that she's my sister.He's probably thinking that she's 17 or eventually 18.

''Why is every single guy on this party sexy?" Katherine shrugs.

''And he know it?" Alex joked..I laugh like the others.

We finally decide to get in the house.Katherine was right,every single guy is sexy.

Music is too loud but for party is good.Alex and i went to the pool.It's beautiful and big.I always wanted to have a pool.

''What you think?" She asked me.

''About what?" please tell me that i'm again didn't hear her when she was talking.

''Would she make himhers? '' she's looking at Eli and bad guy. ''I mean i know that's Eli bad this is Stephen.'' so that's his name.

''You know him?"

"Well yes,just a little bit.He is mean and cruel.I don't know why.People talking that he is like that because of his mother.She left him when he was kid and from then he's just different.'' She sound sad while she's talking about that.

''We must wait to find out." i laugh uncomfortably ''Is Maria still kissing with that girl?" i change the subject. And i can't look again at that.

''I think she is.'' she laugh when i opened my mouth.

''Did that girl need a breath?"

''I don't think so.'' She said with the smile.

And then i feel hands which was pushing me.I fall down in the pool.I tried to catch the air before fall in but all i catch is wather.

''That's for the strip club loser!'' i hear Vanessa laughing and then feel someone's body across mine.When i turned around it's Mark.

''HEY PEOPLE IT'S TIME FOR JUMPING IN THE POOL..GREAT IDEA ANNA!'' I  heard my aunt shouting. ''I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT!" She said before she's jump in the pool.

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