'If today was your last day'

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I feel so tired.I spent last few hours working on my homeworks.I can't say that this is what make me feel this tired.

It likes this headache, sickness and weakness comes suddenly.Room is spinning around.

-Hello.-I heard my dads voice and turned around to see him standing there.

-Hi.-I smiled weakly.

-I came to see what are you doing.-He smiled showing white teeths.

-I was working my homework. -I nodded and room shake around me.

-Are you okay? You are white like a ghost.-I nodded again.-Anna your nose is bleeding. -he said walking in my way.I tried to pull up my hand to stop the blood but I couldn't move it.

And then I couldn't feel any body part.Dad's face is lost in the darkness.


-What's wrong? -I heard my dad saying.

-It's not good news. -some man said, probably doctor. Is that about me? -She have brain tumor and it's spread on the lungs. -I have a tumor? On my lungs? And brain?

-And?-my dad said.

-And will be only worst.She will have good days and bad days.In start she will like now have bloody nose, she will lost on the weight and last stadium is when she caught the blood.


-It's too late for that.Maybe if we find that earlier, but now it wouldn't help.

-How much time does she have?

-Every day is a question for her.But I can say 6 mounts or a year...Who knows.

I can hear them letting out breath.

I can say that I am pretty calm.I just heard that I will die soon and still here I am without tears.There are so many things that I haven't done yet...I need to do it as quick as I can. There are so many things ..So many days and so many people I should met.There was a life in front of me..Well that's just was. Now there are 6 mounts in front of me.Who knows..The saddest part is that I need to say a final goodbye to my friends.And I just founded out who is my father and I became someone I was always wanted to be..

I want to go to London,and find some good guy...Someone who will be there for me...

And with that on my mind I ,again,went in that space where they don't know about pain..Where there is not tumor or anything like that.Where you can be alive again.

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