The one that got away

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-Hello?-I heard familiar girly voice on the other side.

-Hi.-I said happy to hear this girl.

-Anna?-she asked eaven the fact that I know that she knows that is me calling her.

-Yup,that's my name.-I said laughing. -What's up girl?

-Ceiling, duh.

-Oh really Sherlock?

-Obviously. -we started laughing hard and after few minute phone call turned in a diferent way.It became serious talk about my diagnose.

Marry was listening me carefully and I was thankful to her because she wasn't in all that pity thing.She said that she's on her way and hang up.I don't know how she's on her way when she's on the other side of the planet.But never mind ,it sound good.

It's been three weeks after my falling down in front of Jack and from then I didn't speak with him.I heard gossips in the school that some people saw Ellie and Jack kissing.

I am somehow glad because of that but I am also thinking about Francis.

I decided to text him and see what's up.

To Francis Ellies boy:

Hi Mr.BadBoy What's up?

I sent a message and found myself acting like a girly girl waiting for answer.

From Francis Ellies boy:

Hi to you too.What do you need? Up is ceiling. ;)

To Francis Ellies boy:

Can you come,like,right now? No shit,good to know.

Francis Ellies boy:

Hope I will not find some dead bodys @ your place.Will be there soon.

I didn't reply on that.I didn't want to.I don't really feel like talking to anyone or do anything.In past weeks I drastically lost my weight.Shook year is over.I am sad because I know that I will not be on the graduation with my friends.I won't be there when they get married,have kids but before everything fall in love with someone.

I stand in front big mirror. I am counting days.I look like I have anorexia.My bones are visible and I have only skin on them.My eyes looks bigger then they were and my fingers like spiders legs skinny and long.My clothes are just too big to me and not fitting to me. My hair looks dull without any shine.

I turn on my heel and walk to my work table.In all that mess I find my photo album and opened it.Fist pic was me as a baby,smiling all naked to camera.Next was me and Ellie looking at each other.She had shorter hair and sunglasses and I had pony tail.Wet are laughing.Next is Katherine and me looking at the ground covered in mud.I remember that day.We were trying to play soccer and it was raining.We were falling down every time when we tried to kick the ball.Her mom yelled at us so badly.Next was Ellie,Katherine,Alex,Marry and me dancing macarena.That was on the new years eve.
This album is full of memories ..memories whose going to die with me.I will never forget them.Last picture was on the airport all of us hugging.That is when Marry was going to Australia. Till then my cheeks were wet from tears falling down. I feel really bad.O cough and like usually my hand was covered with blood.I sigh and clean it.I can't eaven walk without feeling tired after like minute or two.It's strange to feel like this.The girl who was always full of energy,jumping around,laughing now is crying and can't eaven walk.

I don't know why but today is day when I will thell them all.All at the same time.

I get the phone and text to every single friend.There are not many of them.I told them to came here as fast as they can.I was avoiding them last mounths.I wan't to save them all the pain but I need to prepare them.

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