'Wide awake'

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Really bad headache woke me up.I sat in bed where is not any blanket.Just me in black shirt with Jackob hand on me.In my head is a painful party..ohhh...I shook my head and close my eyes..Why did i sleep here? I have my room..

The black t-shirt is lifted to the navel so everyone can see my black panties...I really don't care..This headache is killing mee...I open my eyes and look at Jack..He is sleeping peacfull.His blonde hair is in mess all over his face.His eyes are closed and his lashes are so long and falling on his cheeks.His lips are slightly separated.And his back are slowly moving up and down in the rhythm of his breathing.

I don't want to wake him up..He have a really bad night..

I look around..Wow...It's preety amazing..His room is like two of mines,and imagine if you can put about hundred people in mine,how many you can put in his? He have his own living room and bedroom..I didn't imagine that i walk upstairs last night...This is really weird..

I slowly moved his arm from me and without noice slowly got out of the bed.I tiptoed wlak to the fance.This is breathtaking.

Downstairs is his living room.There are brown sofa,and it's really big..Across is big TV and on the both sides are windows.The windows are going all the way to the ceiling.On the next wall is window whose taking the half wall.Behind the sofa is tall standing lamp with three bulbs in three colours..One is brown,second is dark blue and third is green.The TV is standing on the shelf full of the books.Seat by the window is covered with CD-s and plates.In the corner of the room is something like chests one on the other.The table in the middle is like the chest too.The bleached floorboards are covered with blue-grey-white-orange carpet.

Cool..Upstairs are two walls made in the glass and there is just big bed and little table.
This is soo cool..

I heard a rustling and turn around..Jack is awake.He is sitting in the bed and watch me with his blue eyes.

-Why did you get up?-he asked me with a deep mornig voice..

-Well if you are done with walking tour and if it's party over you can go..-wow this is harshly.

-Ok.-is all i can say..I am still thankfull to get in fight with him.I pick up my clothes and heels and walk downstairs.when i opened the door i hear him mumbling -sometimes it's okay to say 'thank you'-he's just kicked me out and he is expecting from me to say 'thank you'..no,no...

I walked through the hallway and came in my room.It's preety okay,it's not in mees like i expected..Eli is on the bed sleeping,still in her drees and heels..

I feel diferent,like i'm stronger or something like that.Not physically..

I get my phone and found most squeaky song and let it go.Elie jumo in the bed and sit in confusion.

-What the fuck? Who's death? Where is the bodey? And that officer...?-she look around her mumbling her dream..-WHAT THE FUCK ANNA!?-she scream when she realized that is that just me.I laugh..She threw on me the pillow.-Where have you been little whore?

-Me? Whore? I am not the one who cheat her boyfirend..-i said teasingly.

She laugh..-Well that's me..-she said proudly..that's really her.

-Hey girl get up,i have a plan for tofay..-i said and found in the closet my black jeans and black shirt with some spines.And my black cap 'bithc'.

-Oh really? Another party,'cause one from the last night was cool..And which is that shirt? I don't remember that you have some like that,it's too big..-She is really chaty this morning..

-Nooo..But thanks..I am going to cut my hair,and i think i might have a tattoo too..-i said proudly and look her reaction..

-You and tattoo? Wooow...What happened to you?Are you still a virgine? 

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