'Who do you think you are?'

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I can't believe what just happened...Why did he do that?This can't be..We are not in some stupid love story...No...We can't..He can't..I can't..

I don't need a boyfriend...I don't need,not now,not ever....I need to be alone...'Cause i deserve to be alone...I am not good enough for him,or for anybody..

I push him away and emerged..I wipe my eyes and push my hair up from my face...People are pushing me around with their bodies..I try to swim but i can't...Everything is shaking and i feel sick..I need to get out from here..Now..in the moment..

I push some gril who was on my way and grab the edge of the pool.I need air..Air without people..Right now...

When i found myself on the hard ground i run fast  in the way of the house..I can hear Mark caling me but i didn't care..I mean i care,but i can't..I know if i look back i will came back..I know myself and i know that i can't do that..If he leave me when i said that he would leave me this time to..So it's not big deal..

I can feel how some fire burning my chest..I think it's pain..And i think that i start crying..But i'm not sure...It's like i'm not in my bodey..Like i am in some place where i can't feel anything..I found myself runing upstairs and then on the wrong side of the house..I can't make myself to stop and turn around..I want to go in my room not in Jackob's...Oh common...In next moment i am standing in front of the glass door and knocking..

-Go away...Party is downstairs...-he said in some straing voice..i don't care in the minute..

-Jack..i...-i start but stop when i see Mark going upstairs..-please open..please..Help me Jack...

The door start moving and i didn't realized that i am knocking on Jack's chest...

-Are you drunk?-he asked me.

-Why is everyone asking me that tonight...?So wath if i am? -i started harshly but then i realise that i need his help..-Help me...-i mummble before Mark walks over..

-Anna...Why did you do that?-Mark aked me..I show with my eyes that i need help to escape from him,i hope that Jack would understand,and stood behind him..

-She did what? Who are you? -Jack said in some really good voice..

-She pushed me away..And who the hell are you?-i can say Mark is really mad.

-Are you trying to take a andvatage of her when she's drunk? How dare you? If i see you on two meetres of her i will kill you..And i'm not joking..Now go away..-he said and he stuck in Marks face..

-I am not going anywhere util you tell me who are you!

-Do you really wanna know? Are you sore jarhead?-Mark just shake his heand in yes..-I am her boyfirend...Now leave!

What the fuck?! No he's not..I want to jell at him tath he is not my boyfriend,but i realized that i will ruin everything..I just shut up and look how Marks eyes become sad and wet..I want to hug him..I want that really bad..But i can't..For me now eaven is better to be girlfrend of my addopted bother that Marks girlfriend...This sounds really wrong..

-I didn't realized that she have a boyfriend..I'm sorry..-he said and walk away..

Jack close his door with 'clang' on the end and look at me..

-And you,what the fuck you were thinking? To kiss him and run to me to save you? I'm not doing that anymore.. You undrestand?

-I did not kiss him...He kiss me..That is diferent..And i don't have anyone else to run except to you..And you know that..-i said without blinking.

We stay there and look at each other for one whole minute..

-I can't look at you like my sister...Oh shit..i shouldn't say that...You are drunk you need to sit...-he mumble for himself and push me to sit on the bed.He lay on the other side with his hands behind his head.He close his eyes and just stay like that...I can't look at him...

-Why do you have nightmares?-i asked without thinking.

-What?-he sound realxed..

-Why do you have nightmares?-i repet..

-That's not your business..

-Please..I won't tell anybody i swear..

-Like i said it's not your business...Now if you don't shut up i will kick you out..-he said.

-i need to ask you one more question..?

-If it's about me you can leave..-he said with a smirk..

-No it's not..Have you got anything to wear...?-i asked..I am completly wet..

-You want to sleep? I forgot that you are wet,sorry..

-I want to sleep..But i don't want to sleep alone..I can't...-i said..I closed my eyes trying not to cry...I know that if i opened them i will cry,and i don't want him to see me crying..

-Okay..Let me change first..-i nodd and slowly open my eyes sweeping tears..I look at him while he's get off his shirt and pants..He is really handsome..He get some black basketball shorts and no shirt..

He get some shirt and shorts for me..I thank god that Eli said to me to put some underwear in my bag...

-I don't need this..-i give him back his shorts..He look at me confused..-Can i take this shirt?-i shove him the black shirt that he just get of..He nodded and look away..

I get my clothes off,my underwear too and put on new...His shirt is above the knee,so it's good.Is he really that tall?

-You can turn..-i said when i pack my wet underwear..His blue eyes are scaning me up and down..I can say that he is blushing..He clean his throat and laid in the bed..

He is on his side and i am on my side..I look in the black wall..I still don't know how this room looks like..I have achance until he turn off the light,but i was occupied by his eyes..

-I have nightmares 'cause she died...-i heard Jack saying quietly.I don't know if he saying to me or not...-She was my girlfriend for a two years..I really loved her..And one night...Well we was coming from the party,i was drung, so she drive,whe we have a car accident..Only she...She is the only one who died that night..Not me,not Francis...I supposed to die,not her...I...-i can tell that he's crying..I turn around and hug his torso..He is shaking..I can't look at him..I will cry too.He put one hand around me and hug me tight..That was strong hug,it hurts,but in the same way i needed that..

-I'm sorry..-is the only thing that i said...I really am..I can't imagine how it looks like..To have someone for two years and the BUM! That perosne is not there anymore..Awfull...

After few minutes he stop shaking,and after fifteen we fell asleep..

-NOOOO...Don't...Don't leave mee...Take mee!-i heard scream and woke up..I am covered with the blanket.I put it away from my face and look at Jackob who's shivers and waving with his hands in the air..It looks like he's trying to hug someone...

-Jack...Jack!! Woke up..It's just a nightmare...-i said and shoo his hand..He woke up in the second..He stand up and look around with wide opened eyes..His chest is moving so fast..When he look at me he colse his eyes and try to calm down..I still have my hand on his..I look at it and blush..It's not time for this Anna...

-I'm sorry.-he said after few minutes..

-You don't have for wath...-i smile...He laid back and pull me with him...He hug me tight and said 'thank you anna,this means so much to me.' and fell asleep again..

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