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That idiotic girl left as all in schock and the next thing I know is that they are telling me that she is death.They found her on the parking loat in front of the school on the hounted spot.

That day and the day after that we all spent crying.Anna's father organizing funeral.Marry arrived that day from Australia and when they find her death she was ad because she didn't see her like we did.I don't think that that was pretty nice to see.Her so skinny..Don't want to think about it.

And here I am kicking this ball of hers in this stupid back dress. I don't have make up because I know that I will ruin it with tears.

Last night girls and I spent talking and remembering things with her and we all cried like a baby.

I am still mad on this world for taking my best friend ...It is not fair. I kick the ball.All elegant and then the ball. I can imagine her saying that with that weird accent.I can imagine her putting hand on her hip and making her face like it's hilarious.

I miss her already. We had just one more year in highschool..And she wouldn't be there.Shit...She is not going to be on my wedding eater.Ahh common ..Who us going to make everyone laugh and at the same time saying something smart? Huh?

I kick the ball.

-Ellie...We are going. -Katherine said weakly.She didn't want to eat.She was most related with Anna.They were like sisters.Katherine was crying so hard that we on the end give her medicines to calm her down.I think she is still on them.She have black shirt and black jeans, hair in messy bun and bags under her eyes.She is mess.

I follow her in the chapel. There are many people.And we are going to give a speach.Don't know what I'm going to say.Never mind. She would tell me to say what's on my heart.

I sit in the first row.Next to me Is Alex crying and the rest of them.On the end is Jack.I look at him and his face have that shadow on it and he looks so dark and creepy.

First was Marry to speak.She stand there and behind her is chest with Anna in it.I refused to see her like that till now.Well when I stand up to speak.

Marry clear her throat.

-Anna is a girl who..Well she was a girl who I used to know for a long time.I will always remember her like a girl who doesn't give up on her dreams. I want to say my goodbye to her because all people are going to think what they want.And if you didn't bother to know her when she was still...when he was still alive I am not going to bother explaining to you how much she was good person. -She turned around and look at dead Anna.-Sorry..Sorry..I am sorry...I wasn't there in time..I will..I will always smile just for you.And try to make people smile.Thank you Anna.-She whispered but we heard her.She walk down crying.

Next was Katherine.

-I agree with my friend in what she said.Everyone who used to know this girl would tell the same: she was such a good person. She sister. I love her and will never forget her...Thank you Anna for everything .-she run out.Marry followed her.

Alex said the same as Maria too.I stand up walking to the place where I shoud stay and stand there watching all those people crying and wearing black.

-We all said the same.She was great.We all have best memories with her because she was the one with those fix ideas.The one who lived for adventure. The one who was our best friend. I am still asking God why did he take her away ..? There are so many people around there..So many bad people.And still he take one good soul.I can imagine her smiling and saying to me 'Well honey,that is life.Nothing is fair in it.There are no rules. ' - I imitate her and they smiled.

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