''Like we're gonna die young''

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And then when i looked around me i see people jumping in the pool.

Girls are screaming, boys are laughing and Vanessa is dying. I basically can see anger on her face.

Her cheeks are dark red and if eyes could kill people i will already be dead.

''You have cool aunt.'' i hear someone's voice in my ear.

I turned around fast and i found myself steering in dark blue eyes.he knows that she's my aunt?

''She told me.'' he laugh. ''Too bad..'' he smirk and pretend to cry.

I don't know what to do.Laugh because he was too stupid to find out that she's not my sister,or smirk because of his comment too bad?

I decided to stay neutral. Like Switzerland.

I looked away and tried to walk to my aunt when someone push my head down in water.I tried to pull myself to surface but someone who was pushing me down is too strong.I can fell how his nails catch my hair and pull me up.

I desperately catch the air.I could feel how my lungs get full off water when i try to breed under the water.

I looked up and see Simon smiling.

No..Not again him.What the hell is he want from me? Ok i know the answer. I think he's hard to hear no. Well i will repeat it all over again.

''Get off me you ashole!" i jell out at him.

''Look at them.'' he turn my head to watch how Vanessa undress Mark. ''Why wouldn't we do that? It's fun trust me.'' he smirks.

''Maybe because i'm not whore like her.'' i said.

The picture of Vanessa undressing Mark just don't want to leave my head.

I could cut her head from her shoulders and then put it in fire and watch how burns.

I'm not jealous. I don't have to be jealous.I don't have the reason to be..Oh lord i will cut her blond hair off her stupid head..jealous. I'm fine.It's not likes everything inside me went upside down when i think about them...Geez pfffffff common. I'm cool.

Anna stop trying to convince yourself that you're not jealous,It's okay.

My smarter and rarely show up voice decide to show up.

''Vanessa did you hear what our little friend say to you?" he jell.

I didn't try to make him not saying that.I don't really give a shit about that.My brain is still processing the thing about jealousy.

Mark pulled her hands off him and stayed shirtless.Oh lord..i closed my eyes just because i didn't want to steer.

''She said that you are big fat cow and in the same time a whore!''

What?! I didn't say that! I just said that she is a whore.What is true. She is a whore.

My eyes is wide open when Vanessa swim to us.

''I'm not the cow you stupid pink...watermelon..'' wait..what? Watermelon? She is so dumb. I start laughing.She is so stupid!

My stomach start hurting me from laughing.

''Don't laugh at me!'' she scream and hit my cheek.

I wiled open my eyes.What the hell did she just do? It's not painful or something like that,but no one can do that to me.

''I will laugh if i want.'' i bark.

''When you laugh you look just like yours whore aunt!"

She did not say that.

My vision turned in red and i can't hear the music anymore.

''What..did..you..say?!" i ask trough my teeth.

''She's a whore just like you.''

I jump on her pushing her in the water. I catch her wet blue hair with my fingers and pull her head up and push it again down.I can fell her fake nails on my skin,but i don't feel the pain.I kick her with free hand.This hurts.

I fell someone's hand around my waist trying to pull me away.

''Let me go you..dumb head!" i scream and try to kick that someone with my heels.

''Fuck..Don't do that..''I hear Mark saying in my neck.

''Oh i'm sorry for kicking your undressing partner.I would do that again!" i scream again.

''What the hell is happening here?" i hear my aunt.I look at her.It's looks like every person on the party come here to watch me kicking her ass.Basically it's likes everything stopped.

''why are you kicking this poor girl?" she asked me when she stand in front of me.

''Poor girl? You must be kidding me! She said that you are the whore--''

''So what if she said that..I don't give a fuck what one dumb fake plastic girl said.'' she smirks.

''..and that when i smile i look like a whore too.'' i finished what i started.I look how expression on her face change. I can see her chest moving faster before she turned around to meet face to face with Vanessa.

''What did you say about my little cousin you stupid ugly bitch?!" she jell at her.Vanessa looks scared.well i can't blame her.I will be scared too if i am in her position.But i'm not.

I smirk.

Andrijana's hand connect with Vanessa's cheek leaving red mark.Her eyes get wet and he moved her hand to  touch her cheek.

Andrijana get her hair in hand and pull her from the pool.

Then she jump on her and start kicking her in face.

''You..little..bitch..Don't..you..dare to call..my little...cousin a whore..again!" i heard her talking between kicks.

Some guy get her off Vanessa.She stayed calm ass well.

Vanessa stand up.Oh my god! The blood cover every centimeter of her face.I put my hand on my mouth in shock.

''That's what you got when you're saying those things to my cousin,and i will do it again if i hear you talking about her even in  your dream you bitch!" she say and turn around from her.

Suddenly i realized that i am still is same position with Mark's hands around my waist.

''You can let me now.My aunt bet a shit from her.''I said.

''oh..'' that's all what he said and let his hands fall down.

Everyone start moving again.

I tried to walk away when i hear Mark.

''You were jealous.''

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