''Tears and rain''

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I sit down still confused.What the hell is going on here? I don't understand anything..I was so happy for seeing my aunt but i didn't expect this..I mean..i don't know what to think..This is in some way too much for me..

-Well..I am so happy and glade to finally meet you Anna..-my father said.I look in his green eyes.For old man he is beautiful,like really beautiful.He have green eyes,blue hair and huge smile.He look really nice,well i hope he is nice..

-I...me..me too.- i finally said.I am still in shock.I can say that im in bigger shock about that that this guy is his addopted son than i finally met my real father.This is weird.I mean heloo i met this boy just few days ago,and there is he sitting next to me like my brother.Yeah cool..And i can say that i have some kind os crush on him until now.Cool..

-Well this is weird and awkward..You don't know what to say so i'm gonna say.-my aunt smile.-He..I mean your father is rich man who is living in some kind of palace..You can say like that.-she added 'cause my father look at her with 'what are you sayin about' look.-And the only women in his life was your mother,that whore..hm..Pardon.-she wave her hand in air in apolage-And he addopted son,Jackob,and he is your ages,and he is new in your school,and i don't know what else to say.They know about your past,soooo...-she shrugs and give us smile.

That women is amazing.I can't believe that she is my mothers younger sister..I mean wow..Look at her and then look at my mother,two diferent worlds.

My father is rich? I never was soemeone who have rich familly..I have money for things i need,but never too much.I am definitely not someone who can't live without money.I think that world would be bether place without money..But we live in world where is money something most important,you can't live without it...

-I know you don't know me,and i know that you probalbly would'n want to came to live with me and Jack but i want you to know that i am there for you and my dors are always open for you.-he have really calm voice.

I don't know if i want to live with him or not..I am bored here alone,but still i don't know how would be like if i live with two mens in house.

I look at Jackob and catch up his blue eyes.He looks calm and serious,so diferent than on the party.When he realized that i'm looking at him he smiled.Wow...he is really preatty when he's smiling.Its looks like his eyes is lighter when he is smiling..

-If i live with you that means that i live with him too?-i asked..I don't know if i can live with two boys in one house.

-Well..yes..But you are my daughter and i look at him like he is my own son.And if you think that just because you are woman you need to cook or clean or something like that you are wrong.For that we have house cleaners.-okaaayy..if he have house cleaners that means that he is really rich.OMG! My father is rich! Omg omg omg omg omg omgg..i can't believe..of cours i want to live with him..I mean helloo? Until this day i was,i can't say poor..well i have money but just only for lunch and that it all.I am not material girl if you think that,but in this world you must look how much you have..

-i think i want to live with you.-i said trying to imitate his serious and calm voice.Well i can say i was hilarious,but serious...Hmm..i don't think so.My father start laughing with Jackob and my aunt too.I blushed bud laugh with them.

-I have only one condition.-on the end my father said.In the moment i stop laughing and become serious.

-And that is?

-Please don't do that again..-he said and start laughing again.

That was heart attack in a small package.I was expecting something like ''you can't tell your friends about this'' or ''you can't go anywhere without my permission'' and he said that?! Okay this is offical,he is weird.

-Why are you looking at me like that? Go pack your bags..-he said.

-Now?We are going righ now?-i asked in confusion.

-Yes..Is that a problem?

-No..no.no..Everything is okay.-i said,smile and get out of the room.

I walk in the bedroom and see Mark sitting on the bed with a little cat in his arms.

-Hey is everythin okay?-he asked me.I pick up clothes from the floor and shake my head yes.

-You don't look like that..-he said.

-How can know whether i am good or not when you don't know me?-i said a little bit harshly then i was planing.

-i..i just know..i don't need to know you to know that you think this is too fast.

i don't know if he means on us or on my father..I mean there is not us..I don't like him,and he don't like me.yup...so he thinks on my father.

-Maybe it is,but that is my problem not yours.So when your done you can go.You just make the crowd.-i didn't mean to say that..i don't know why i said that..but i just did..and now there is no back..

-Do you really think that?-i can swear i saw how his blue eyes are sowt..i can swear..Oh my ghod why can't you make this easier for me?

-Yes..-i said but i didn't mean that.I look in the floor.i can't look at him.i can't look at him when he look so sad and cute..i just can't look his blue eyes..

-Okay..Anyway i don't like you,i just felt sorry for you.-he said and just go..He's gone..He's not here..His last words hut me.And i don't know why.i knew that he doesn't like me...I don't know why i do that..i said the thing just to hurt him,to see if he's really going to stay or...or leave..And he did what i was thinking he will...He leave..

But that is good..That means that i don't have to speak to him anymore..That means that my friend can be with him..And that means that i have to look at him every single day..But i can do that..I mean i'm not in love with him or something like that..I can't love anyone,i know i can't..I'm a bastard.

HAHAHAHHA i don't know why do i think that i was hurting him when i said that.That for sgore wasnt tear,that must be shone light.I can't hurt someone who doesn't like me...I know that.


i looked at the bed and realized that he had left the cat..But why?Why ,if he doesn't like me?

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