''So make a wish''

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It's pretty iritated when i think that i was sad when i was leaving my old home.

My aunt place is something..I don't know how to describe it.When i step in i was shocked.I was expecting little room,bathroom and kitchen..But this appartmen is bigger than my whole house..Well my mother house.

Living room is big with the leather black couch,withe leather chair,little table made all of glass,big big big television and the window on the whole wall.

Bedroom have a king sized bed,big mirror with golden frame and big window with black curtains with white words on it.Words like part of songs and notes.

I even have a room like wardrobe,it's big.My clothes occupies just a little part of it.It's a little bit funny.

Kitchen is the part of the house that i hate.It's looks just like kitchen in Marks house.It's all black and white.

Tommorow is my 17 birthday and i'm nervous.Ii didn't planed anything special tommorow but like my aunt said i can only once have 17 years.

By the way my aunt flyed back in England.I am sad 'cause she's not here for my birthday.

I know it's nothing special but i need someone here,i am all alone in this big place.I'm alone with my thoughts.And that is the worst.I just sit and stear in the wall.

When i discover that my father isn't my father i was okay with that,it wasn't anything special to me and then when i come here and stayed all alone..well you can say that i'm broke.This two days was the worst days in my life,and i have it a lot,trust me.In some way i'm glade 'cause all of this,i mean i don't have to listen my mother anymore and the fact that she didn't eaven called me it's appaling,but it's ok.

Andrijana said that she's gonna try to get in contact with my real father.I'm a little afraid,i don't know what to expect.What if he don't accept me? I can say that i'm afraid of the rejecting.He is now my only hope to have a familly...What if he have children? Well i hope he doesent have a little child..I hope..

I finish my pizza and walk over in my bedroom.I exhaled and sit on my bed,well it's not my bed but it is...This whole thing is killing meeee...

I log in to the facebook it's 11:58 PM,just 2 more minutes...I'm so excited...I scrool down to see news..This facebook become so boring.I opened new tab and log in to the twitter..I love reading what celebritis post..Now it's 11:59 PM.

''Just one more minute..I'm so excited..''  i post just on the time.

I shut down my laptop and threw myself backwards..I am 17...


Okay..The whole day was weird,i know that is my birthday but everyone was so strange.I don't know how to explain that.

They was all like do you need something / when do you go home? / Are you shure that you are home all day?

How to explain that? Hello it's seems like they want to rob me.

I get out of my car and get in the building.Neighborhoods are nice to me,i don't have a problem with them.

I get the key in the door and opened it.. 

I opened my mouth in shock.In the ceneter of the hallway is Mark.What is HE doing HERE? How did he knew that i am here?Who give him my adresse?

''What are you doing here?'' i asked still in shock.

''I came to say ''happy birthday''..'' he smiled.Oh my god he is so beautifu..I..wow...He came to me and hug me so tight. ''I have a present for you.'' he said when he step back.


''Yes..'' this is something that i didn't expected..Well we all want gifts for our birthdays but i didn't expect from him to give me anything...

I follow him in my bedroom.Well obvious you can't call it that way.It's looks like a box full of the trash.I blushed.

''Uhmm...Sorry for the mess..'' i mumbled.

''Never mind.'' he laugh ''close your eyes.'' he commend and i do it.What if he want to prank me? Or something like that?

I fell how he put something hard in my hands.I think it's a box.

''You can open your eyes.'' he said and i do it.I look at the medium pink box in my hands.It have a pillow thing on the top.I look at him and he have adorable smile on his face.His eyes are soft and his teeths so with like people on the ads.He nodded and i look again in the box.With my fingers i feel the spot where i can push the lid and open the box.When i do it i almost scream.In the box is grey little kitty.She or he look at me and do the cute mew thing.

I look at Mark and back on the cat.I always wanted to have a cat but my mother said no,like always.

''How did you know?'' i asked him.

''What are you think? You are the one whose said that you really like cats.When i heard that you are living all alone i tought that that may be a good idea.I hope it is..'' he looked me expecting my reaction.

''It was! Thank you so so so so so much!'' i scream and hug him tight.I can feel him laughing while i was huging him.

But how did he get in appartment? Only me and my aunt have a key..My aunt..

''Wait? If you get in that mean that my aunt is here too!'' i look at him.

''I was waiting for you to say that.She is in the living room.'' he smiled.I turned around and run from the bedroom in tha hallway and then in the living room.

I opened the door and for the secon time been frozen.In the room is not only my aunt..There is the guy i met on the party,the one who give me the NIRVANA shirt and some man in the black suit.He is tall and handsome.I can say taht he is pretty beautiful for the man in fortys.He have small grey eyes and blonde hair.I can say that he is following the mode..

''Uhmm..Hello..'' i say uncomfortable...I don't know who is this man and why is he here..But he look so familiar..Maybe i know him.

''Hay honey,happy birthday.'' my aunt said and hug me.I smiled back and look at her expecting the explanation.

''May i present you someone?'' she asked me with the fake smile.I noded. ''This is Antony.'' when she said that my heart skip and my eyes opened wild.I look at him in shock.He smiled and wave his hand in the air.

''Hello i'm glade to finally meet you Anna..'' he said with soft voice.I can't make myself to move my hand.He put his hand down and he looks disapoint.

''And this is Zac..'' she shove me on the cute boy.He smiled and i noded.This is weird.Okay Antony is here but why is Zac here?

''He is Antonys adopted son.'' my aunt explained like she read my toughts.She must be joking with me...This can't be happening..I finally see who is my father and i can't say eaven a word?

''I...Me...Nice to meet you...'' i finally mumbled and sit down on the leather couch.

On the birthday people make a wish..Wish that they believe that will happened.Some people make stupid wishes but for them it's something what the need in that moment.I was planing to make one.That one wish was simple..I would wish to finally meet my father...

It seems that i need to think about something diferent....

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