''This is how we do,do do do''

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I turn around just in time to see him walking away.Why would he say that?

I am not jealous.I could be proud on myself because of that.I am not that kind of girl.

Maybe my mind is playing with me.Probably..I mean why would he say something like that?He is not normal.From the start when i saw him i knew that he's not like the other kids.But i didn't know that he is not normal.

Okay i can't say for me that i am normal,but i'm not normal in good way.Crazy way.And he..Well he is not normal in weird way.

I need a drink.

I get in the house.It's hard to walk in wet clothes,I fell like a wet puppy.Yuck.Sick...And it's even worse when people whose dancing standing right nex to you and it's too hot.Where is that drink for hell?!I need to find the way to go in the living room,there is the drink standing.But it's so damn easy to say but it's so hard to do it.I think that the whole city is in this house.

Finally i found the living room.I take a green..or it's blue? Never mind i found a drink.And it's have a great taste.This is gonna be my drink..But the problem is i don't know what is name for this drink.Never mind.

Now i need to find some empty room.I hope there is some room like that,even a bathroom could help.I need a air.

I went upstairs and couple times get in the wrong room and find teenagers kissing or something even worse.I don't wanna remind myself on that.

On the end of the hallway i found little but empty room.I found the red cup on the little brown desk.I take a shot.Before i end my drinking from god know whose cup the door opened.But not the door from the hallway,i think that is the bathroom or something like that.

''Huh...I think that you are drinking from my cup.'' some punk rock blonde guy said.

He is tall..Like really, really tall..He have blue pircied eyes and blonde hair whose in total mess i could say.        And what the hell is all kids today?! Why they all have NIRVANA shirt? Probably because i don't have one.Yeah,cool..It's like the god of cats is made on me and try to punishment me for something.

Yeah..He have white nirvana shirt and black tight pants.GOD! HE HAVE BETTER LEGS THATN ME?! is he a model or something like that? He obviously can be a model if he's not one.

I really don't like the piercing on people,but the way he's holding his lip ring with his teeth may force me to change my mind.

''Hey i am not a television to stare in me.'' he smirk and sit down on the edge of the bed.

''I'm sorry.'' i said slowly and quiet that i think that he can't hear me.

''Because you drink my drink or because you stear in me?" he smirk and look me direct in my eyes.

''Both?" i answer with the question.

''Well you shouldn't bee sorry 'cause you're searing in me if that was because you think i am hot.'' he smiled.

''Hey! Don't be such a jerk.'' i smirk and sit nex to him on the bed.

''Joking.'' he said and laugh.

''Yeah,yeha..What ever you say.'' i said and join him in laughing.I needed this for a long time.

''Can i borrow your shirt?" i found myself saying thath without thinking.I cover my mouth with my hand.Congratulations Anna you ruined great moment once again. ''No...I'm sorry..I didn't think to say that..At least not out loud.'' i said without looking at him. ''Me and my big mouth.Once more i said thing that i shouldn't say.I need to learn how to shut the hell up.''

''I think that you are still talking out loud that.'' he said and laugh.

''Stupid me!'' i said and blush. ''I'm sorry..It's better for me to shut up.''

''Nooo...Noo..I think that you are brave.You just have balls to say some things out loud,even if you didn't know that you were saying it.Most people can't say what they think and because that they lose their frineds and familly.Just stay the way you are.'' just now i discover that he have british accent. ''And yes you can borrow my shirt.'' i look at him in shock.He stand up and take off his shirt.Oh mamaaa..He is handsome.

I look at my hells.

''Here.'' he said and give me his shirt.I look up at him again.The smile cover his face.I take a shirt and stand up.

''Can you close your eyes?'' i asked before i take off my shirt.I could go to the bathroom but i'm too lazy for that.

''Yeah..'' he said and turn around.Okay,thats even better.

I replace my shirt WHO CARES? whit his NIRVANA and i can feel his parfume.It's smels like a man.Well he is..I mean he's not a man he's a boy..or he's not? Never mind.

''I'm finished.'' i informed him just before my phone started ringing.

Throw it up,woo hoo!

Woo hoo! Yeah, yeah!

Woo hoo! Yeah, Yeah!

You're pretty baby, but you know that

Wish I could bring ya, across the map.....

I look at my phone.On the screen is big picture of my aunt and giant "Andrijana" .I press the green headphone and press the phone on my ear.

''Yeah?" i asked nonchalant.

''Sweeaty we are leaving if you wanna go with us home you better hurry up or you want to go home with Mark?'' i can hear her love voice trough the phone.I opene my eyes in schook and shook my head,and then i remember that she is not here to see me.Yeah,great...

''Nooooo..I am down in 5 minutes.Okay?"

'' Mhmmm..'' she mumbled and we ended our little conversation.Yeah that's my aunt.This is how we do! 

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