'Good girls are bad girls'

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'Anna you are scaring me today..What's wrong with you ?' I heard Alex who was sitting next to me.She give me her 'what's wrong with you' look and stare in me with her blue eyes.When you look carefully you will notice how slowly blue color became yellow before it became a pupil.

'What ? Why?' I look at her in confusion.I really don't know why do I scare her.

'You are steering in people. You never do that.What's wrong honey? Hm?' what is wrong with her? She's never saying honey or anything like that.That's just not her.

But she's right.From when i'm steering in people? Who am i to said him with ho will he seat? I'm not even interested in him...

'Weel i don't know..I guess it's curiosity..' I finally said.I think that is the true.I hope it is.I mean he is not anything special.

I decided: I'm not going to look at him anymore today.

On him I only like his blue eyes.I think that's my fetish.And when the boy have muscular body.

Alex nodded and look away,but I can see her still watching me with  through her hair.Her blue eye is saring in me trying to catch me when I look at him again.But I'm not going to look at him again.

'Are you going tonight on the party?' Elie asked us with her in some way girly voice but again it's strong and confident.Elie is all like that.When you lok at her first thing what you think is how she look girly and fragile but when you met her...Well you will know that she all just not that.She is one of the strongest girls that I've met.

But when we talk about the party all I know is that she's going.She can't miss any party.She get drunk,she find some guy and then went home.

That's Elie.

I would like to go.I didn't go on any party soon.But the fact that is the middle of the week is not helping me.My mother and father will just get in the fight and I will end up in my room.

'Yes!' they all said in the same time.It was mixed sound of Maria's girly voice,strong Katherine's,and slight brittish accent Mary's voice.It's preety hilarious.

'What about you Anna?' Katherine asked me.What about me? Well I can't go 'cause my mother wouldn't let me and my father will kick me out if I aske him..Yeah,right...

'Well i don't think so..It's the middle of the week and you all know my mother.' I said.They all know just a good side of my mother,well the one that she show up when we have guests.

'You can always sneak out.' Elie said 'It's not that complicated. Believe I try it on the start.Be a rebel!' she said and raised her fist in the air.She look's like some guy from comic movie.

'We all do that sometimes.' Marry nodded with smile on her face.You think you do that.Not me.I always stay at home.

' Weellll i'm not doing that.My parents trust me.' Andddd ladies and gentlemen here is Alex! She's a good girl,always.

I don't know what to do.I never sneak out.When they said no it's no and that's the end of the story.

But I so badly want to go on that party.I've got the feeling that something's going to happen.

Ohhh just go Anna.Like Elie said be a stupid,untrusted rebel.Gosh you are teenager no adult. The thiny voice in my head said to me.That is my evil voice,and I have good voice.But bad voice win mostly.

"I'm going if someone with car come to pick me up.' I said when I decided.They are all look at me with proud faces,all except Alex..She is shaking her head like adult.

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