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i sit down on the bed and take a little cat.she's cute,if is she..I hope she is..

-Hey little one..You are so cutee.Can you understand me?I guess you can..You are smart cat,aren't you...Well i can say that i am your new owner.Mark is gone..

When i said that i fell some fire in my chest.I don't know why..How can you feel something like that for persons you don't like?

I pack my things and went in the room to say that i'm ready to go.I heard them laughing and i can say that my father is really happy 'cause i said yes.Am i happy is the real question? I don't know is my answer.

-You are ready?-my father said with huge smile on his face.It seems like he is the only one who is so happy about all this shit.And when i look at him i can say that he is the only persone who is happy for me.

In my whole life i didn't have anyone who will be there to wait for me when i came back from school,or looking my wolleyball game...or hug me with emotions...No...there was just me,myself and I.

-Yes.I'm redy to go..-i put fake smile on my face..I can't be rude to him.I can't ruin his happines.

-Okay then..-he said and stand up.-we will see soon Andrijana.Thank you for this.-he hug my aunt.

-It was my pleasure.-she said and smile.-So Anna it's time to say real goodbye..I will se you soon..You can't get rid of me.

I laugh and hug her back.The truth is: i don't want her to leave me..Why can't i live with my aunt.That is something that i was always wondering.I would go in London if i must,but i would love to live with her.That is my dream.

-This is going with us?- i heard Jackob and turn around.He is holding my little cat with two fingers and looking at her like she is grossest thing on the world.

-Yes.Is that a problem?-i'm ready for fight.Bring it on me baby!Yeaaa..Come here...Mhmm..Just say any word and you are death!

-Noup..just asking.-he said.That's not fair...I was ready to punch him with words..i was ready,and he did this?! That little bitch..
And then he smiled..And there it goes..I was ready until i saw this...Why he must be so beutiful?

Can i have crush on him? Is that legal? I mean we are not realted by blood,or something like that..He is not my stepbrother..he is adopted..That is diferent..I think that that would be weird..You can't just be in relationship with someone who is adopted by your father..Can you?AAAAHHH this is annoying..

-Anna are you going?-i heard my aunt..wait,where are they?They was here right minute ago..Omg..did i just stear in Jackob and he left..Oh my god i am so embarresed..This is not happening..

This day can not be worst..And it's my birthday..YEeeeyyy..

I shouldn't say that..

Next minute was fast..like really fast.I was walking with my head down and i hit Jackobs back.We both fall down.I fell something wet and i look down..ohh he didn't! aaaaaa yuckkkkk...aaaa...the little cat was in the middle and she was under pressure...and she or him poops on us..yuck yuck yuck...

i jump and look my shirt..it's cowered with yellow poop.

-AAAAaaa shit! shit,shit,shit...yuck..That fucking cat!Disgusting!Fuck!-i heard Jack and start laughing - This is smell so bad! 

it's true...it smell really bad..i need to change..But all my clothes are in my bag...

-Oh that remind me.hahhaha...i..hahahha..i bough..hahhaha i have a present for you Anna..hahah i almost forget...thank you little cat..hahahah...-my aunt is laughing so hard that she barley can talk.

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