smells like teen spirit

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I almost fall in deep, nice sleep when Anna come in the room walking like stampeding elephants. She looks like totally disaster.What did Francis do?

What if she slept with him and now she feel quilt because of that,and she's now trying to get words out and say you that.

And maybe I'm just being ridiculous. I am just scared that he will hurt me.I know that he will,in some way ,maybe perverted way, because he's a guy.And I am just waiting for his mistake so I could break up.He is my first boyfriend since incident,and you can say that I am overreacting a little bit.

-What happened to you?-I asked calmly lying on her bed with one hand under my head.

-This.-she said and throw some paper on me..Or it's a picture?

I take a picture in my hand.Wow this girl is beautiful. Long black hair around white face with red lips,white teeths and green eyes.I don't love green eyes,but eyes of these girl are so balanced.In the same time live and death..Just like Jack said for me.You can see in her eyes sadness and pain..But only a person who went through the real pain can see it.

-Whose this?-I asked her while she's getting shorts and shirt.

-Annie. -whoa,whoa,whoa...Is she joking with me? Annie? Did Francis called her at his place to show her Annie's pictures?

-Why do you have this?

-Francis wanted from me to keep it with me.-she shrugged.

Is that guy normal? Just because he's hot doesn't mean that he can give her picture of death person.It's creepy,though ..


-Ask him.-she simply said.Someone is in bad mood.

-I will.And why are you in such a bad mood?-I don't know if it's because of Francis or Jack..

-I have a hundred homeworks and I was planing to finish it till now,but Francis ruined my plans.-School? Homework? Is that a food? Can you eat it?

-Wake me up when your done.-I turned around and closed my eyes. I don't want to get in fight with her.If
it's not like she's planned, then trust me, you don't want to mess with her.

My relationship is pretty weird.I don't understand the point of it if we will be with other people too. he so badly want to be with me?

It's pretty weird that when I closed my eyes I saw Jack 's face instead Francis's.I can see his weird eyes staring at me,and hear his laugh.Is it weird to love someones laughing? I smiled for myself and pillow under my head.This pillow is so fluffy. Like the whole bed.

-What are you planning with Jack?-I suddenly blur out.

-And the x is going on the other side..and..what?-she said holding her pencil in her mouth and looking in her notebook.

-I asked you what are you planing with Jack?-I repeat.

She finally look at me.-Nothing.I'm not planing nothing ..I don't eaven think about him..-But I do.-Why?

-Well you know,maybe because you lost your virginity with him,and he's like one hallway from you..? -she shrugged -Nothing huh?

-I am planning to finish with math and then to do chemistry and biology.You don't have anything to do?

Yes I do..Like everything. My grades are low and my mom will kill me.-Sleep?-she shrugged again and rolled her eyes.She's shrugging way too much.

-I need to go to the bathroom.-I said and get up from fluffy thing called bed.

-Where are you going? -she asked me when I step in front of the door.

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