''Little girl grow up too fast''

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I pull away from him.

''What the hell?! Who do you think you are to just kiss me  like that?! '' I jell on him.

I pushes with my hands from him and stand up.He looked me wieldy.

''You are really sick if you think that i kissed you.You are the one who do that.'' he defend himself.

Me? Kissing him? He's the one who kissed me..Is he mental or what? I don't understand.

"Yea right..And you are Brad Pitt so i want to kiss you?" I laugh. I am seriously angry and mad.I'm not that type of girl.I'm not going around and kiss guys.

''I am even better.''

Ok i must laugh..He better than Brad Pitt? You must be kidding me.No one is better than Brad.I  would give anything to be on Angelina's place.

I turned around and walk to the road.

"Anna where are you going?" I hear him following me.

I get my phone and call Eli.Shit she's not answers. I called again.

She answer after third ring. ''Yeah?" she said in her sleepy voice.

"Hey it's Anna.I need a favor.'' I try to ignore Mark whose trying to say me something without the voice.

" What?" She ask..She don't give a shit about this.

''I'm coming at you're place in 10 minutes. I locked my room last night and forgot the key in the room,i need make up,shower and some clothes.'' I say as fast as i can.It's almost 7am i need to hurry.

''Why you can't just fucking climb in there?" she's annoyed I could say.

''Because i need someone to help me but i don't have that someone and i don't have time.'' I said and finally look at Mark and show him to shut the hell up.

''Why couldn't you just call Alex or Marry or someone..? Why me?" she cried out.

''Because you are in 10 minutes from me and they are in 20.I'm coming.'' i take key from purse and walk to my black baby.

''Okkkk...'' that's all i needed. I hang up.

I started the car before i look at Mark once again. He's looks like a girl whit his hands on his hips.

''You are not serious?''he asked me. ''Why you just cant let me--''

I cut him off ''When you learn how to respect the ladies i will let you do that favor for me.Now if you don't mind i have to go.Bye.'' I said and leave him standing on the street in his pajamas.I feel so damn good even with the headache.

After 10 minutes I'm finally here.I get off my car and locked it with one "peep".I enter the house.

I feel like this is my house.I know i'm welcome here. Elie's parents treat me like their second daughter. I practically grow up here.

Eli and I know each other since we were 4 years old.We always broke things but Vendy,her mother,was never ever jelling on us.

I love to be here.It's so peaceful and quiet.It's the opposite of my house.

My father is always drunk and angry.Or just one of that.He was always screaming on me.He's always fighting around with some guys and then come home and treat me like i'm the bullshit.My mother never say anything to defend me.

My mother is the story for herself. It's hard to go with her.It's always must be like she said.She must be right.She's always expecting more from me.

Anna you must studyharder.

Anna how can other kids get A and you got B+?!

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