'Let me go'

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Oh my god! They are soo soo soo cuteee...I mean woow...That boy have so good hands...I didn't say that,Eli going to kill me if she know..
I look at Katherine and she is like 'oooooo cutieses' and Alex to..

Eli and Francis just stoped kissing and he hug her.I think that Eli is not really that tipe.Her face is something like 'ohh what the hell? Do i need to hug him back? noo..I don't know how..' and all she did is to put her hand on his back.

Eli have a interesting history with boys.She can't love any boy on the world.Ans she can be really mean to them.The really reason for that she never told me,but i have some ideas..When she was younger she was falling for someone really quickly,and then they was or too older,or have girlfrends..so the point is she have been hurt..From then she is look like she don't have a heart..I hope this is the reason 'cause i understand that,but if it's not i don't have more theorys..It's not like i don't want to ask her but imagine what would that be like: 'Oh hey,can i ask you a question? What happened so you don't fall for any boy? Did you get hurt,or did someone told you something?' yea right...Eaven if i know her for years i never ask her that..I think that is 'cause i forget to ask her..Well never mind..

I fell Katherine breath on my ear and look at her.

-I think it's time to go.-she said trying to immitate some agent or something like that..I am so hard trying not to laugh..We run upstairs and start laughing so hard..

Alex show us to shut up 'cause Francis and Eli are gouing upstairs.

-So..i see you tommorow.-the point is we can see them,but they can't see us.They are standing one across the other.Eli is smiling but he have a serious face.That is confusing.He kiss her again just like the firs time.Diferent is that he pull her closer to him by her hips..woow this boy is diferent.

He is doing everything that Eli loves.Huuuhh common it's not feir....

Wait wait wait wait..that's means that Eli have a boyfriend which is also mean that she doesen't like Mark..Great!Just great...Now i don't have a reason not to like him...so much about my reason..

Eaven if is this like it is i'm not falling for Mark.I hate him..He is...well he is ugly,disgusting,he has ugly eyes....ohh who do i kidding..he is beuatiful..

No..i just didn't say that..i did not..Why this must be so hard? 

This is is not for me.I'm trying to stay away from all of this..I don't need love..I need to be bitch.To be someone who wil restore to all mens 'cause they are pigs.They don't have fellings,they can't love..I know that..And i know that i can be like that..I will make my revange.I hate them all so much that i'm not going to marrige.I am fine alone..I have my friends,that's all i need.In this world you can't believe to anyone except you..You are alone eaven if you have milon friends,you are still alone..You will be alone when you are growing up,when you need somenoe to talke,to play..When you are older and you need someone to get you from the trouble..Yes..You are alone,and don't forget that..I have few friends but who guarantee me that they will remember me when we get old..When they fall in love and have kids? Nobody..This life is unsafe place,you need to fight if you want so survive..If you don't shove emotions you'll get to the top...

Eli walk in the room with huge smile on her face.She is shining like never before..Not eaven when he kiss the boy and then she spilled juce on his head.That is something i will remember forever.

-What happened?-Alex asked like she don't know.

-Why to say when you see all?-oh common Alex we all know that Eli alaway see us when we do something like that..Or she don't see us but she know that we will do something like that..I think that this time is second option.

-Well we see what happened but we couldnt hear..Fucking glass,you can see but you can't hear..-Katherine said..We all laugh..

-Well he said that he hear me when i was talking about him..and he said that he is not shy but he is used not to talk 'cause he is hanging out with Jackob.He said that Jackob have a big problem,something happened to him and he talk just when he must.He said that he was funny persone,but when that happened he stop smiling,laughing..He have nightmares every night..For six mounths he didn't came out from the house..In that period Francis was every day with him here..And he said that he thinks that i can be nice persone if i want,but i want that rarely..And he asked me if i want to be his girlfriend..And he said that he thinks tha i'm beutiful and that shit..And he kiss me..But when he hug me i didn't know what to do..I was confused..I don't know how to explain that..This is my first hug with some boyfriend..He is weird..-she finished..I think that we are all paralised by the story about Francis..

What can make a perosne to stay in house for six mounths? I can't imagine what can make me to shut up..That just can't happened..But what make him? 

In my mind is just him smiling on the party and when he asked me about the cat...He was so beautiful whit smile..It looks like his blue eyes are shining..Like water on the sun..I can't explain..I feel responsible for what happened to him,eaven if i don't know what happened.

ohhh why can't i just be bitch and forget all these shit?


The rest of the eavning we spent talking about everything..About our memories,how we met,what we were thinking about each other..and something like that.

I am in my bed for 2 hours and i still can't sleep..I think too much about everyting..About Jack,Mark,Eli and Francis...Life...

I need a breake and water..I get up and walk out the room.Just when i make the first step to get downstairs i heard femail scream.What the hell! I hope that that is not some killer...ohhh...I follow the scream and found myelfs righ in front of another door maded from glass.I slowly opened the door,take a deep breath and wak in..It's too dark to see where i am..I heard another scream..I can cee something like bed and soemone in it..I turn on the light..In the bed is Jackob,screaming for help..I walk and sit nex to him..His hair is wet...He is mumbling..

-Anie...Aniee stay..Don't go..Stay with me...i...don't go...Don't leave me...I need you...Love...

Who is Anie? His girlfirend? Mother? sister? His whole bodey is shaking...

-Jack...Jack..Wake up...It's just a dream..Jacke..-i shake his hand slowly but he didn't respond..I shake it harder..-JAKE...wake up!

And he opened his eyes..His blue eyes are wild opened and look so scared..I need to hg him,but i can't...

-Are you okay?- i ask him..He jump in bed and look at me in shock.

-What are you doing here?-he asked me harshly..

-I..just..i heard you and come to see what's happening..-i answear..

-It's not your buisiness..Go,leave me alone..And don't put your nose where it shouldn't be.-he scream on me.what the hell!? What he thinks who he is?

-I was worried for you..'Cause of that i came here..

-I don't need you to be worry for me..so leave!- he said and push me out of the bed..

What is wrong with him?!

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