''The story of my life''

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''You are leaving?" he saqid sad.I look at his blue eyes and nodded. ''I guess i see ya at school.And you can keep the shirt.'' he smiled.

''Oh..But i can't..It's yours.'' i defend.But the thruth is that i wan t to keep it.It would save me spanding my money on it.I know it's selfish,but sometimes selfish is our best friend.

''Njahh..I have like,i don't know,ten nirvana shirts...So you can keep it.It's yours.And you must hurry up if you don't wanna walk home.'' he smiled and give me a kiss on my cheek.I blushed and nodded.

He is so sweet.

I practicly run downstairs and get out.I found my aunt and my friends standing next to our cars.

''Finally...We were planing to go..You are lucky..'' my aunt smirk and opened the car door.I smiled at Katherine and Eli and slide in.

The car drive was silent and give me time to think about everything.In my mind there is the guy who i met in the room..He is beutiful.I can't stop thinking about his words when he said that i have balls to say some things. Well i will probably use difrenet word for the balls  but it's ok.I get the point of that.But the point of everything is that i don't know his name! How?! Why?! That is so not fer!

''That's not your shirt.'' from my looking in the houses in real life bring me my aunt voice.

''Hm..?" i asked confused.

''That shirt is not yours,right?" she repet.I look down on the shirt i wearing and realized that i am wearin nirvana shirt.I frogot about that.

''No..Some guy give me like a present..I mean i can keep it if i want..'' i mumbled ashamed.I expected from her to jell on me or at least say me that she's mad on me,but she's just nodded and look back on the road.

''Oh shit..'' she said under her brath.

''What? '' i looked at her confused.

''Your mother is here.'' she said slowly.

Oh no..i look at the house and see the light on in the kitchen.Cool..this is sooooo goood to finish the night.I hope that she's in good mood and don't make my friends leave.

''Okay guys just go direct in Annas room and don't leave until i came there.Ok?" she said and get out the car without answer.

We all get out the car and get in the house.I look at them and they all look nervous.I shove them with my hand to go in my room upstairs and they left.I take off my hells and hide under the stairs.I want so badly to hear their conversation.

''Why are they all here? And please tell me that you weren't on the some stupid party!?" i heard my mother angry voice..

''Hello to you too.I guess that mother never told you how to be nice.'' my aunt replied.

''Don't talk about her and answer on my questons.''

''Why not? Well it's obvious that they gonna sleep here tonight and yes we were on really nice party.''

''And you obvious couldn't get your fucking phone and call me to ask for my permision!"

"Njah...Why would i call you when you didn't call me for more than four years?'' woowww i didn't know this.

''You know the reason why i didn't call you.And she is my daughter!''

''I fell sorry for her..I wouldn't like you to be my mother.'' i can hear that she's drinking something.

''Better me than you.''

''I couldn't say that.You are the same as our mother,that's mean that you are bad mother.''

''Our mum was best mother,so shut the hell up!"

"Was she? Was she the best mother when she told you that you can't see Antony anymore? hmm? " who is Antony?

''Stop! Just stop! You don't know anything about that,so just stop!" my mother shot.

''I don't think i can stop myself...I know preety much about that..I know that he was your first and only love,that mother said that he's not good for you because he wasn't rich and you give up.You were so broken..poor you.''

''You are so evil.''

''am i? I don't think that i am evil enough..you were much worse..''

''You deserve that.You are the one whose left us!"

''Yeah i am the brave one.That's me..And you know why i left?"

''Because you was selfish..''

''In some way yes.But mostly that was 'cause i see what mother make from you and i knew that i don't want to be like you and like her.That evil slut..''

''Don't call her that! You have no right to call her that! She was so broken when you left!''

''Oh yeahh..Well she was calling me with much whorse names,she deserve everyting what happend to her!'' 


''hohohooo...Don't push my tongue please..For your information i am a virgine still,i am not like you.'' she said that so calm that i cower.

''What you mean?!"

''Well you know..''

''No i don't..i was vergine until i meet Annas father.''

''Are you trying to convince yourself?''

''Why would i?'' i can hear that my mother is nervous.

''I know about your little secret.''

''I don't know about what are you talking.''

''Do you want from me to tell you?"


"I know that you sleep with Antony and i know that Anna is his child.You marrige Jackson just because you know that he's going to be drunk and to look like an angel in mothers eyes.I know that Antony was trying to get in contact with Anna but you cut him off.And please tell me how stupid you was to get pregnant in 16 years?"

''Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Just shut up! How do you know that?! Nobady know that except me...How?!"

"Well you forogot that i was the one who know everything.''

''You can't...We give all attention..Mother loves you soo much//''

''Don't lie please.We both know that mother was hating me until her death."

"She hated you because you're left!"

"No,she hated me because i wasn't her minion.I was living my life with my rules and i didn't give a fuck about waht she's going to tell me.I was trying so hard to be a part of the familly.You don't know the feeling sitting all alone,just you and four walls.You sitting and hearing your older sister and mother laughing.You don't know how it's like to cry every single night! You don't know anything..And then one night i realized that that is never going to change.That i must get my future in my hands.So i decided to left and live my life without her.'' wow..i didn't know anything about that...I am still in shock...After 17 years i discover that my father isn't my father..Cool...

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