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⚠️TW: slight ed

(Georges pov)

"Im sure Luca will be fine" Mary comforted Henry by placing her hand on his cheek.

All out of a sudden Henry started violently coughing. Mary pressed the emergency button on the wall and 2 nurses came running into the room soon after. They told George and Mary to leave the room so they went to a nearby waiting room.

They were both crying but neither of them said a word. Mary put her hand on Georges knee to help his anxiety.

The clock on the wall slowly moved around in circles, George didnt take his eyes of it for a second.

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours. Mary had fallen asleep in the chair next to George, leaning against his shoulder.

"Davidson?" A nurse came into the waiting room.

"Here" George said as he woke Mary, the nurse took a few steps closer.

"Im sorry to inform you that Henry did not make it. You can not see him due to his condition." The nurse said with a calm voice.

Mary hugged George from the side, they cried more than before. The nurse decided to leave them alone.

-time skip-

Mary and George sat in the living room watching the news for updates about the virus.

"The virus KH404 seems to be the end of the world. We are already down to 1,4 billion induviduals left on earth. We will not survive this."

George and Mary looked at each other. Sad facial expressions and a layer of tears filling their brown eyes. They knew what was coming.

"I... Im going to sleep" George said after a while.

"Okay, dear. Sleep tight" Mary replied.

George walked up the stairs and into the bathroom. He grabbed his toothbrush but ended up staring into the mirror, watching tears slowly run down his cheeks and drop down into the sink.

-time skip-

George woke up late the next morning, he couldnt sleep the night before because he was crying. He knew what was coming and he knew that it wasnt long left.

He stared at the ceiling for a while before going downstairs. He went into the kitchen where Mary was cleaning.

"Hi mom" George mumbled as he went to the fridge to get some breakfast.

"Morning dear" Mary replied, not taking her eyes of her cleaning.

George looked up and down in the fridge. His brain shouted at him to not eat, that he needed to control something in his life before he would die. So he shut the fridge door.

All out of a sudden Mary coughed. And again. And again. George looked over at her, she looked back at him. They caught eye contact for a second before Mary colapsed onto the kitchen floor.


463 words

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