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⚠️TW panic attack

(Georges pov)


"Uhh" George looked down at the pedals in front of his feet.

"Right... so thats the break........" Clay explained all the pedals and things that George would need to know.

(A/N to lazy to write down an actual tutorial:) )

"Get it?" Clay asked George as they both looked up at each other.

"Uhh. Maybe?" Georgeumbled with a slight chuckle.

George gently put his foot on the gas pedal and the car started to slowly move forward. His breathing went slower and his eyes widened as he tried to focus.

"Good... now turn" Clay said and looked at George.

"Which way" George asked stressed.

"Any" Clay replied and looked back forward.

George slightly turned the steeringwheel making the car turn a little to the right. George was now physically shaking, top to toe. Clay looked over at George.

"Youre doing good" Clay tried to reasure George, but failing.

"Im gonna crash" George quickly mumbled as he slammed the breaks and let go of the steeringwheel.

"No. Youre not. You got this" Clay tried.

Clay opened the passenger door and stepped out, walking around to Georges side, opening the drivers door. George was still shaking, eyes wide as he starred down at the floor.

"Look at me." Clay said.

George didnt move.

"Hey, look at me" Clay repeated.

George didnt move.

Clay sighed and went quiet for a moment. Suddenly he put his hand on Georges cheek and turned his face towards himself. Georges eyes went impossibly wider as their eyes unexpectedly met.

"Youre doing great. Okay?" Clay said with a clear tone.

"Breathe George" he continued.

George slowly calmed down. Clay still had his hand on Georges cheek. They held the eye contact until George was calm.

"Good" Clay said with a reasuring smile.

"Wanna try agai-" Clay tried but was cut off by George.


"Okay..." Clay replied. He took his hand off of Georges cheek and stepped back.

George hopped out of the car. They both froze in place. Suddenly George took a step closer to Clay and gave him a quick hug before pulling out of it again. George walked around the car and got in the passenger seat.

"What was that for?" Clay chuckled as he got in the drivers seat.

George didnt reply. He just leaned his head on the window as the car started moving again.

-time skip-

George opened the door, Luca came from the living room to greet him.

"Luca I might have fucked up" George began.

Luca tilted his head as he sat down while George took his shoes of.

"I hugged him!? I mean just for a second... BUT I HUGGED HIM" George mumbled.

Luca slimmed his eyes as he walked into the living room with George still going on and on about how he hugged Clay.

"I bet hes gonna hate me now... like... hes straight... and so am I..." George mumbled as he sat down on the couch with Luca who just rolled his eyes and fell asleep.


507 words😳

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