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(Georges pov)

George slowly opened his eyes. The world around him was bright. He looked around the room and he seemed to be in a hospital bed?

"Hello?" he mumbled.

No answear.

His breaths were slow but steady. Where was everyone? Why was it so quiet?

The only sound he could hear was coming from... a machine... in the corner of the room... with a line going across a small screen. The line had some straight and some very spikey parts, it moved, right to left. It looked like som sort of pattern.

Georges eyes widened as he suddenly remembered the previous events. His family, their last breaths. They were all in this building.

He stood up, slowly. Holding onto the edge of the bed for support. He looked around the room again until he spotted the door. He took a few steps towards it until he felt something on his arm that didnt let him leave, as if it was holding into him.

He turned to look at the area on his arm. A cable. He followed the cable going from his arm, it lead to the beeping machine in the corner. He looked back at his arm before he put his other hand on the cable and snatched it of.

The beeping turned into a single loud tone. The line on the screen went completly straight. He stared at the machine for a minute. His eyes started filling up with tears. But instead of standing hopelessy staring at a loud machine he decided to leave the room.

He walked through the corridors, long and empty. He opened every door that wasnt locked to hopefully find someone. Something showing him that he wasnt alone.

"HELLO?" he shouted through the corridors.

He went down a staircase and searched that floor too. But once again nothing.

Another staircase down, nothing.

Further down, nothing.

He found the exit and decided to search more outside. He froze when he felt the natural breeze of the outer world. He looked around. Not a sign of life.


"Do you think the virus will take Luca to?" Henry asked with a worried tone.

End of flashback.

Georges eyes widened. He found his phone in his pocket. He got up google maps and found out that a walk home would take one and a half hour. He looked around, looked back down at his phone. Changed the google maps setting from walk to bike. 45 minutes. Jackpot.

He walked over to the bikes standing along the hospital wall. He took one. And began his route home.


432 words

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