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(Clays pov)


"Hi..." George mumbled, looking up at Clay.

"What the hell, George" Clay sobbed and placed his head on Georges chest again, trying to hide his feelings.

George moved one of his hands to Clays head.

"I... I heard what you said" George awkwardly said.

Clay didnt reply. George sat up, with Clay now laying in his lap on his back, they tried to hold eye contact but failed multiple times. Neither one of them knew what to say.

"Thank you, by the way..." George mumbled, dragging his fingers through Clays messy hair.

"For what.?" Clay questioned.

"Everything?.. I mean you literally just saved my life" George chuckled quietly.

Clay sat up, facing George.

"Dont thank me, George. To be honest, you mean more to me than anything. I know how stupid it sounds but believe me, its true. My family were shit, my friends were all fake, my reputation was fucked up and probably still is" Clay mumbled, looking down at the very small patch of grass that was separating the pair.

A silence fell over the two for a while.

"Honestly the world ending is the best thing that ever happened to me" Clay chuckled after a while of thinking.

"What do you mean.?" George questioned.

"It got rid of my family, my fake ass friends and all the random shit like bullying, hate, homophobia, wars. You know? Everythings so chill now" Clay mumbled and finaly looked back up at George, who looked to get sadder after every word Clay said.

"What.?" Clay mumbled worryingly.

(A/N is worryingly a word.? It is now..)

"My life wasnt like yours, you know.. I loved my family, and the few friends that I actually cared for.." George said quietly.

Clay got a worried facial expression as he felt bad for George who had lost everything, compared to himself.

Another wave of silence fell over the two. Both looking down at the small patch of grass inbetween them. Both letting their minds loose. Both wanting to get rid of the small patch of grass but none of them brave enough to actually do it.

All out of a sudden they moved slightly forward at the same time, covering the patch of grass. They looked at each other.

Clay moved his hands to Georges neck and pulled him in. Their lips connected and their eyes closed.


462 words

A/N your welcome, planets😙


IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (please answer):

Do yall want Patches and Luca to be avle to talk?

If so, do yall want to have Luca/Patches povs? (It could be Luca's pov, Patches pov or even fur duos pov?)

If so, do yall want Luca and patches to like/dislike/not care about dnf as a couple? (Like disgust, happiness or.?)

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