Hi Gogy;)

22 1 10

⚠️TW tiny mention of ed

(Georges pov)


George was chilling on the couch mindlessly scrolling through social media. It was a few days later, they hadnt done anything intresting more than cuddling, apptemting to eat, failing to eat, succeding to eat and stuff like that.

He heard the shower turn on in the bathroom. He didnt think much of it and just kept on scrolling on his phone.

After a while the shower turned off. George turned his phone off and stood up. He started walking towards Clays bedroom to get one of his hoodies, since most of Georges clothes were burned in the fire he had an excuse to keep stealing Clays.

He opened the bedroom door and peaked in, Clay wasnt there so he slipped through the door and walked up to the closet. Opening the closet doors and scanning his options.

He picked out a black hoodie with a white smiley on. He put it on, it was way to big but at least it was comfy.

All out of a sudden the bedroom door opened. George didnt think much of it until he felt Clays hands on his shoulders. He turned around to see Clay standing there with only a towel around his waist.

Georges eyes widened as he realised. This was the first time he had seen Clay shirtless in real life. And holy shit. He looked even better than in the tiktok videos.

"Hi Gogy" Clay winked with a smirk, as he stepped closer to George to reach for some clothes in the closet.

"Hi" George whispered as Clays chest was centimeters from his face.

Clay grabbed some clothes and backed of a little. He looked down at George who was still completly frozen.

Clay leaned down and gave George a quick kiss before going back into the bathroom.

George stood in shock as his brain would not by any chance take in what just happened.

If we wouldnt be the only people alive I 100% would have seriously no chance with this greek god of a human.

Georges thoughts were flying all over the place. He was still standing in front of the closet.

A part of his brain told him that he wanted it to happen all over again. Another part told him to get over it, he was after all together with Clay.

Just as George managed to shake most of the thoughts away the door opened again. In came Clay, this time wearing grey sweatpants and a white tight shirt.

Does this man want to kill me?

Clay walked up to George, leaned down gave him a kiss and walked over to the nightstand where his phone was.


471 words

A/N omg omg omg omg AAAAAAGGHHHHH


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