The Crystal Empire - Part 2

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King Sombra: [laughing]

Shining Armor: The Empire is under attack.


King Sombra: Arrgh!


Grape Luck: I have to find the Crystal Heart!

Twilight Sparkle: No, you stay here with Cadance and Moonstone Dream. They need you, Shining Armor and Grape Luck. I'll retrieve the Heart.

Rainbow Dash: Let's do this!

Rose Light: I've been trying to figure out how I'm meant to pass Celestia's test. Retrieving the Crystal Heart must be it. But there is something else you can do.

Rainbow Dash: Name it.

Twilight Sparkle: You and the rest of our friends have to keep the Faire going.

Rainbow Dash: What? With that thing moving into the Empire?

Rose Light: The whole purpose of the Crystal Faire is to lift the spirits of the Crystal Ponies, so they can activate the Crystal Heart.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, and?

Twilight Sparkle: If the Crystal Ponies find out that King Sombra is trying to take over the Empire again, their spirits are gonna be anything but lifted. It won't matter if I find the Crystal Heart. They won't be able to make it work. You have to keep them happy here at the Faire.

Rainbow Dash: Keep the Faire going and the Crystal Ponies' spirits high. Done and done!

Shining Armor: Twily and Rosie, be careful.

Rose Light: I will.



Autumn Gem: [eating]


Rainbow Dash: [whispering] Okay, here's... [becomes indistinct]

Rarity: Huuuuh? [pause] I... just found out they're offering face painting for the little ones. [laughs nervously] [whispers]

Spike: [under his breath] Uh-huh. We can do that. Twilight's and Rose's doing what?!

Rarity: He... really... loves getting his face painted. Haha.

Rainbow Dash: Who wants a flugelhorn?

Pinkie Pie: I want a flugelhorn!

Rainbow Dash: Who else wants a flugelhorn?

Pinkie Pie: [screaming] I want a flugelhorn!!

Spike: [pants] Twilight and Rose, wait! I'm coming with you!

Twilight Sparkle: You can't. I have to retrieve the Crystal Heart by myself.

Spike: I know. I promise I won't lift a claw to help you.

Rose Light: [sighs] Not a claw, Spike.

Spike: Where are we going exactly?

Twilight Sparkle: I think I might know where King Sombra hid the Crystal Heart.

Spike: The castle?

Rose Light: The king would've been counting on the fact that nopony would dare come looking for it here. They'd have been too afraid to even try.

Spike: I hope you're right.

Twilight Sparkle: You and me both.

Applejack: [whinnies]

Rainbow Dash: What are you lookin' at?! That's what I thought!

Applejack: [whispering] Uh, Rainbow Dash? We're supposed to be actin' like nothing's wrong.

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