Made in Manehattan

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Twilight Sparkle: Ehh... [blows raspberry] [sighs heavily, groans, sighs again] I'm bored.

Spike: But you're reading.

Rose Light: I've read all these books already.

Spike: And...?

Twilight Sparkle: And I'm bored! I wanna do something! Things have been so slow around here and I just—

Rarity: Twilight and Rose! Twilight and Rose! Ooh, Twilight and Rose, darling! Oh, thank goodness! It seems that my—

Applejack: [panting] Whew! Got here as fast I—

Rose Light: [gasps] Yes! Finally! We've been summoned! I wonder where the map wants us to—

Spike: Uh, Twilight and Rose?

Twilight Sparkle: [groans]

Applejack: Where do you think—

Rarity: [excited squeals] Manehattan! We've been called to Manehattan! Oh, I've simply been dying to go back for a visit! And now I return... with a purpose!

Rose Light: Hmmm. It looks like you've been summoned to this particular neighborhood here.

Rarity: We're off to solve a friendship problem in one of the busiest and most vibrant cities in all of Equestria! Isn't this exciting?! [squeals]

Applejack: Seems a hair odd, though, don't it? Map callin' me to a big city like Manehattan?

Twilight Sparkle: You may be more of a country pony at heart, Applejack, but the map picked you two because you're the best ponies to tackle this particular mission.

Applejack: But how will we even know what our mission's supposed to be? That neighborhood probably has twice as many ponies as all of Ponyville.

Rarity: Pff. Kch. Ts! More like three times! Why, it's not only home to the Haypacking District – it's also home to the Fashion District! [to Twilight] Hmm. Shame you weren't called as well, though, darling. You did end up quite a fan of the hustle and bustle of Manehattan on our last visit.

Rose Light: It's such an exciting city, and there's still so much I'd like to do there. So many museums and historical landmarks to visit. Not to mention all the libraries! But this is your mission. Heh-heh. Don't worry about me. I've got plenty of... books... to keep me... busy.

Spike: [scoffs]

Rarity and Applejack: Mm-hmm.

Rarity: [gasps] I just remembered something! The Sisterhooves Social!

Applejack: We'll have to miss it. No tellin' how long we'll be in Manehattan. I sure hope Apple Bloom, Coconut Harvest, and Sweetie Belle aren't too upset.

[train chugging]

[city noises]

Rarity: Oh, Manehattan, what you do to me!

Applejack: [gulps]

Rarity: Darling, are you all right?

Applejack: Ponies move so fast here. Not at all like back home. [to herself] Eyes peeled, ears open. Eyes peeled, ears open.

Rivet: [blows police whistle]

Rarity: Remember, Applejack, you're in the big city now. No moseying. You've gotta walk with speed and confidence!

Rivet: [blows police whistle]

Rarity: Yoo-hoo!

Applejack: [snorts]

Diamond Cutter: Move it!

Applejack: Sorry 'bout that.

Strawberry Ice: Ah, get outta my way!

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