Applejack: Ha! Found 'em!
Granny Smith: Aaa-choooo!
Rose Light: Heh. Gesundhoof.
Granny Smith: Why, thank you, Applejack and Rose. I still can't believe it's been almost one hundred moons since our last family reunion. Aw, I remember it like it was yesterday.
Applejack: Well, you have been talkin' about it pretty much every day since then.
Granny Smith: Apple Bloom and Coconut Harvest! How them RSVPs comin' along? Who's showin' their muzzle at the reunion?
Apple Bloom: Everypony!
Granny Smith: Everypony? [aside, to Applejack and Rose Light] Feathers on a goat. [to Apple Bloom and Coconut Harvest] Are you sure?
Coconut Harvest: Well, I got RSVPs from Apples from Yonder Hill, Hollow Shades, Galloping Gorge, Foal Mountain, Apples from Fillydelphia, Tall Tale Town, and all the Apples from Appleloosa!
Granny Smith: Guh?
Apple Bloom: Oh! And how could I forget? Manehattan! Babs is comin'! I get to see my favorite cousin!
Granny Smith: I think we're gonna need a bigger cider trough. Whooeee! Looks like the family's grown tenfold since the last reunion! I'm gonna be busier than a worm in a rotten tomater tryin' to get everything ready!
Rose Light: I could always help out.
Coconut Harvest: Me, too!
Big Mac: Eeyup.
Granny Smith: Oh, I sure would appreciate that. Granny's a little rustier in the giddy-up since the last time the Apples all got together.
Applejack: You may be a tad old, Granny, but you're as feisty and full of spark as ever–
Granny Smith: Who you callin' old?!
Rose Light: Uh... I just meant... Why don't you let me take over puttin' the reunion together this time 'round? Then all you need to worry about is enjoyin' yourself.
Granny Smith: Hmmm. Alright, young'un, you got yourself a deal. You are in charge.
Applejack: I won't let you down, Granny. You just tell me what the reunion needs, and I'll take care of the rest.
Granny Smith: I'll do better than tell you what the reunion'll need. I'll show ya! We've been hostin' these things at Sweet Apple Acres every hundred moons since we first planted roots here in Ponyville.
Apple Bloom: Hey, who's that?
Granny Smith: That'd be your Great-Great-Auntie Applesauce when she was just about your age. Now, she used to go by another name, but everypony started calling her Applesauce after half her teeth fell out when she was makin' apple jam. Yeah. Never did find them teeth in all those jars.
Coconut Harvest: Hey! That's you, Granny Smith!
Granny Smith: Sure is. Apple family's been workin' on that same old quilt since our first reunion.
Young Granny Smith: I can do it! Ngh! Oh, fingle-fangle!
[ponies laughing]
Apple Bloom: [giggling]
Granny Smith: Well, nopony told me you actually had to knot the end of the thread!
Coconut Harvest: [giggling]
Rose Light: Okay, so I'll need to get new quiltin' materials, fabric, needles, thread... You've really been workin' on the same quilt since the first reunion?
FanfictionThe spirit of chaos and disharmony known as Discord and his wife, Rose Light, escape from their stone imprisonment following an argument between the Cutie Mark Crusaders to which Princess Celestia summons Twilight and her friends to use the Elements...