Games Ponies Play

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[train puffing]

Twilight Sparkle: You absolutely sure you can do this?

Spike: Of course. Wouldn't have agreed to it if I couldn't. Piece of cake. Speaking of cake, I got a little something I need to attend to.

Rose Light: Yeah, like keeping an eye on a house full of critters.

Spike: [slurp] Uh, yeah, uh, that was totally what I was talking about. Relax. Go to your welcoming thing in the Crystal Empire. Spike's got it all under control.

[door closes]

[noises of ruckus]

Rainbow Dash: Hurry up, Twilight and Rose! We can't miss our train!

Conductor: Tickets.

Applejack: Oh, this is gonna be a real treat. Princess Cadance and Princess Moonstone Dream said they'd never seen the Crystal Ponies so excited.

Rainbow Dash: Duh! Of course they're excited. They're up for the Equestria Games. It's only the biggest sporting event in all of Equestria.

Rarity: Didn't Cloudsdale host the Equestria Games one year?

Rainbow Dash: No. Cloudsdale should have hosted the games one year. I'll never forget when we got the bad news.

Laurette: The Equestria Games go to... the city of Fillydelphia.

Young Rainbow Dash: NOOOOOOOOOOO!

Rainbow Dash: These Crystal Ponies lost a thousand years to an evil king's curse. They've had enough bad news. No way we're letting them experience the pain of losing out on these games.

Twilight Sparkle: Exactly. Princess Cadance is counting on us to do our part to convince the Games Inspector to choose the Crystal Empire. And we are not gonna let her down. Are we?

Pinkie Pie: NOOOOOOOOOOO! What? I was just answering Twilight's question.

[train whistle]

Main cast: Four, three, two, one! The Crystal Empire, that's the one!

Pinkie Pie: [through megaphone] Okay, everypony, great job! Sounds like we're ready.

Main cast sans Twilight and Rose: [cheers, etc.]

Rose Light: One more time from the top.

Rest of main cast: [groans]

Rarity: Oh, please! I think that was perfect.

Applejack: [sighs] But we've run this, like, twelve times already. I think we've got it.

Twilight Sparkle: Cadance and Moonstone Dream said the Games Inspector really puts folks through the wringer on her visits. There's no margin for error here. And this time we need to practice the steps.

Applejack: On a train car?

Rainbow Dash: You heard the pony! On your hooves!

Main Cast: Two, four, six, eight– [screams]

[brakes squealing]


Train Conductor: Crystal Empire, ladies! Watch your step leaving the train!

Rarity: [groans]

Applejack: [sighs] Probably should've watched our step while we were still on it, too.

[train chugging]

Pinkie Pie: Wow! The Crystal Empire looks crystallier than ever!

Applejack: They must have everypony in the Empire out sprucing it up!

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