Rainbow Falls

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Rainbow Dash: Alright, ponies, listen up!

Fluttershy: We're all ears. Right, Bulk Biceps?

Bulk Biceps: [kissing noises] [grunts] Nuh-uh! I'm all muscles! Yeah!

Rainbow Dash: I like your attitude, Bulk Biceps, but it's gonna take more than muscles and Yeah!s to get us to the Equestria Games! We are the Aerial Relay team, and it's up to the three of us to make sure that we qualify at the tryouts. And do I need to remind you how much I— I mean, Ponyville, heh, wants to qualify and make it to the Games?

Fluttershy: I remember. I really, really, really want to qualify for you and Ponyville.

Bulk Biceps: Bring it on!

Pinkie Pie: Gimme a 'P' for 'Ponyville'!

Fluttershy: [yelps]

Pinkie Pie: [through megaphone] P, Ponyville!

Bulk Biceps: P!

Fluttershy: Oh, thanks, Pinkie Pie. That was a scary— I mean, great cheer. [laughs nervously]

Rainbow Dash: Just make sure you have one ready for when we qualify for the Aerial Relay.

Bulk Biceps: And after that, for when we win gold medals in the Equestria Games!

Applejack: Not so fast! If you're gonna be good, you're gonna be better with some of my apple brown bettys in ya. They're perfect.

Pinkie Pie: 'P' is for 'perfect'!

Bulk Biceps and Fluttershy: [chewing]

Rainbow Dash: Alright, team! Show me what you got! Put some bend into those knees! Flap those wings! And I want to see all four hooves off the ground on the count of three! [beat] [quickly] One two three!

Bulk Biceps: [straining noises]

Rainbow Dash: Don't forget to breathe while you're up there!

Bulk Biceps: [wheezes]

Fluttershy: [yelps]


Pinkie Pie: 'P' is for, uhh... 'pain'?

Rainbow Dash: [sighs]

[train engine sounds]

Helia: Good luck, Rainbow Dash! Sorry we couldn't fly with you on the Aerial Relay, but the air sprinters needed us too.

Thunderlane: Too bad we can only compete in one event. [sighs] But rules are rules.

Twilight Sparkle: Good luck! [to Rainbow Dash] It was nice of you to be part of the team that doesn't have... uh... the strongest flyers.

Rainbow Dash: Nothing nice about it. I know that I can pick up the slack for anypony. With me on the team, we'll qualify. I'm sure of it.

Rose Light: Ponyville is very lucky to have you.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I'm pretty awesome.

Fluttershy: [straining] [gasping] I am so proud to be representing Ponyville. [straining] Oh, it's such an honor to even try out for the Games. I just hope I don't let anypony down.

Bulk Biceps: We'll make them proud!

Pinkie Pie: 'P' is for 'proud'! We're gonna be the best fans anypony has ever seen!

Rarity: Ooh. Can't wait to see what everypony else is wearing, even though I am absolutely sure they won't be better than the Ponyville uniforms I'm designing for the Equestria Games.

Applejack: And we will make it to the Games once everypony carbo-loads on my apple brown bettys.

Pinkie Pie: I can't wait!

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