Make New Friends but Keep Discord

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Discord: Ohoho, but that's not all! When I went to look for them again, they were on the ceiling!

Rose Light: [laughs] Oh, Discord, I've never known anypony as funny as you! I love that story about the time you tried to train your right paw... [giggles] fetch your left leg! [giggles] Oh, I do love our Tuesday teas, and I can't wait for you to meet my friend Loki. He's going to love you too.

Discord: Loki? [laughs]

Rose Light: I met him on a trip to see the Breezies. He's a member of the Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures.

Discord: How nice for you. [chews teacup]

Rose Light: We're all gonna have so much fun together at the Grand Galloping Gala!

Discord: Oh, I was wondering when you were going to ask me. I'd love to.

Rose Light: Oh. Oh, no. Um, I'm afraid I've already asked Loki. I'm sorry, Discord. I assumed you'd have your own ticket since you and Princess Celestia are friends now. Were you not invited?

Discord: Who, me? It probably got lost in the mail. No biggie, as the foals say. Well, gotta go!

Rose Light: But we haven't had any of our Tuesday teacakes.

Discord: Well, I guess we're just going to have to exclude them from our party this time. Oh, did I say that out loud? I mean, ta-ta.


Spike: [snoring] Gemstones... [snoring] Gah!

Discord: Where's Twilight?

Spike: Uh, she's in Canterlot, helping Princess Celestia with the Gala!

[magic poof]

Spike: [nervous noises]

Rarity: Oh, your first Grand Galloping Gala! The excitement, the anticipation! I wouldn't miss this for all the jewels in Equestria!

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle: [singsong] We're going to the Gala! We're going to the Gala! We're going to the Gala!

Applejack: Alright, y'all, keep it down. It ain't like it's a life-changin' experience or nothiiiiing... [tearing up] My little sister's all grown up! [sniffs] [blows nose]

Rainbow Dash: Hey!

Cutie Mark Crusaders: [giggling] This is gonna be the best night ever! [screams]

Discord: I don't suppose that, uh, these adorable little cutie pies have their own tickets to the Gross Gruesome Gala, do they?

Apple Bloom: [blows raspberry]

Rarity: Ahem! To answer your rather rude question, they're going as our dates, our plus-ones.

Sweetie Belle: [singsong] We're plus-ones!

Cutie Mark Crusaders: [singsong] We're plus ones! We're plus-ones!

Discord: Yes, yes, yes, I believe I got that!

Rainbow Dash: Yeah!

Pinkie Pie: Have a wonderful, special, fantastic day! Oh, hi, Discord. Want some cake?


Pinkie Pie: I can give you a list of all the flavors we have in order of most delicious to incredibly, unbelievably delicious!

Discord: Actually, Pinkie Pie, who are you taking to... I mean, do you... eugh, oh, you know what? I am famished. I'll take all the cakes.

Pinkie Pie: All of them?! He wants all of the cakes!

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