The Cutie Map - Part 1

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Spike: [snoring]

Twilight Sparkle: Let's go through this one more time.

Rainbow Dash: [sighs] We've been over it like a million times, Twilight! We found all seven keys, defeated Tirek, and got this sweet castle! End of story!

Rose Light: Yes, but why?

Applejack: I dunno, sugarcube. Maybe it's just your new house and there ain't nothin' more to it than that.

Rarity: I must say, speaking strictly on aesthetics, there really doesn't need to be more to it. It's all simply divine!

Fluttershy: I agree with Twilight and Rose. And Rarity. And Applejack. And Rainbow Dash. And Pinkie Pie. Oh, and probably Spike.

Spike: [snoring]

Twilight Sparkle: As princess, I've been chosen to spread the magic of friendship across Equestria. So why would the Tree of Harmony want us to sit in a castle in Ponyville? It doesn't make any sense.


Spike: [groans] Is that new? I like it. This is incredible! It's got all of Equestria!

Pinkie Pie: Hi, Mom and Dad!



Pinkie Pie: [giggles]

Fluttershy: But if this is Ponyville, why are our cutie marks over there?

Rose Light: I don't know. But it seems like the map wants us to find out. The Tree, the chest, this castle, and now the map. How can we not follow it?

Rainbow Dash: Y'know what? There's a ton of room for dangerous adventure along that route. Count me in!

Applejack: Aw, shoot, I reckon you're right.

Pinkie Pie: Well, I was planning on organizing my baking sheets, but okay!

Rarity: [sighs] Very well.


Fluttershy: Um, maybe I'll just stay here with Spike.

Spike: Awesome! Me and Big Mac have a huge weekend ahead of us talkin' hoofball, and... and trading hoofball cards, and arguing about hoofball stats...

Fluttershy: O-o-on second thought, m-m-maybe I'd better go with them. In case they need me.

Twilight Sparkle: Looks like it's time for a road trip.

Spike: Well, suit yourself. But he's got a Hock Fetlock rookie card I plan to sweet-talk right into these hot little claws.

[train engine chuffing]

[brakes squealing]

Rose Light: That's it! That's the place on the map!

Rarity: Right. Let's get down there and find the spa.

Twilight Sparkle: Wait. We don't know why the map sent us here. We shouldn't just walk right in. It could be dangerous.

Rainbow Dash: Yes!

Pinkie Pie: Stay behind me, everypony! I'm on it!

Applejack: Careful, Pinkie!

Pinkie Pie: [grunts]

[thud, scraping noises]

Rainbow Dash: This is where the map sent us? It looks like the most boring place in Equestria.

Applejack: It's just an ordinary village full of ordinary pony folk.

Rarity: It could certainly use a few more architectural flourishes. Or any architectural flourishes.

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