Spike at Your Service

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Spike: Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.

Twilight Sparkle: Huh. That's not that many.

Spike: Are you kidding? How are you supposed to read twelve books in one weekend?

Rose Light: Princess Celestia obviously thinks I can or she would never have assigned them to me. I'm not planning on letting her down.

Spike: Well, I hope you're not planning on sleeping then, either.

Twilight Sparkle: Actually, Spike, why don't you take the day off?

Spike: Really?

Rose Light: Why not? These books are gonna keep me busy for a while.

Spike: Hmm... I do have a long list of things I've been dying to do! "Touch nose with tongue." Eeeng... done! "Play bongos on my belly."

[bongo drum sounds]

Spike: Done! "Smell my dirty feet." [sniffs] [sigh] Done! Huh, that didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would. What to do, what to do...

[cat yowling]

Spike: [gasps] A hot air balloon ride!


Spike: [gasps] Oh no! Wait! Runaway balloon! Gah!


Spike: [groans] Sorry!

[wheels rattling noisily]

Spike: [yelps]


Spike: [relieved sigh] That was a close one. I-if I didn't know better, I would swear that I was in the middle of the dark and scary Everfree Forest.

[twig snaps]

Spike: [yelps] What was that?! C'mon, Spike. Just because this forest is full of wild dangerous animals, doesn't mean that you're gonna see one! Hehe...[sniffs] [grunts]

[timberwolves growling]

Spike: [screams]

[timberwolves barking]

Applejack: Come 'n' get me, ya big goons! [to Spike] Run!

Spike: I'm running! I'm running!


Spike: [yelping]

Applejack: Whew!

Spike: Wow, Applejack! That was amazing! I mean, you rocketed those boulders at them like they were... rockets! Pow, pow, pow pow pow! You saved my life! [softly] You... saved... my life.

Applejack: Aw, don't mention it, Spike. C'mon, we should be headin' on back, now.

Spike: Man, am I lucky you were out here. Uh, why were you out here?

Applejack: Saw the balloon floatin' by with nopony in it, came out here to investigate. Guess you did too, huh?

Spike: Uh... yeah... I was investigating the runaway hot air balloon too! So, uh, now that the mystery's been solved, let's get outta here, huh?

[distant howling]

Applejack: Thanks for walkin' me home, Spike. That was mighty kind of you. But now I have chores that need tendin' to, so see you later.

Spike: What chores? I'll do them!

Applejack: That's sweet, but you don't have–

Spike: It's the least I can do! You saved my life! I need to repay the favor.

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