Testing Testing 1, 2, 3

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Twilight Sparkle: [reading] The magical properties of this spell will only have lasting effects if you focus on—

Rainbow Dash: Yeah! [laughs]

Rose Light: No! Rainbow Dash! [grunts] How in Equestria does that pony expect to pass her history of the Wonderbolts exam tomorrow if she's wasting time flying?! I'm just gonna fly right up to her and tell her what I think about her lackadaisical approach to studying! Won't she be surprised!

Rainbow Dash: Surprise!

Twilight Sparkle: What? Huh? How did you—

Rainbow Dash: Puh-lease, Twilight and Rose. That was the worst sneak attack ever.

Rose Light: Wha? But—

Rainbow Dash: I saw you giving me the stink-eye from the ground and heard you flying towards me and muttering from a mile away.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, if you heard me "muttering", then you must know what I was "muttering" about.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, yeah, the Wonderbolts history test. No big deal.

Rose Light: No. Big deal. Really big deal. It's a test! A test that will determine if you can join the newly-formed Wonderbolts Reserves, and being part of the Wonderbolts Reserves means you'll have the opportunity to live your dream as a Wonderbolt! This is the most important test of your life!

Rainbow Dash: Twilight and Rose, not everypony gets all freaked out about tests like you.

Twilight Sparkle: I do not get "all freaked out" about tests!

Rainbow Dash: Uh, seriously? Your freakouts are so epic, you sing whole freakout arias about freaking out.

Rose Light: Fine, I may tend to take my tests a little seriously, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be studying for yours! Oooh! And I know just the pony who can help you: me! This is gonna be so much fun!

[teleporting noises]

Rainbow Dash: Sure. Fun.


Rainbow Dash: [yelps] Wha– huh?

Twilight Sparkle: This is the most complete—

Rainbow Dash: And ginormous!

Rose Light: —book on the history of the Wonderbolts.

Rainbow Dash: Okay, but how am I supposed to get what's in there into here?

Twilight Sparkle: With my handy-dandy study checklist, of course!

Rainbow Dash: Of course.

Rose Light: First up, reading and highlighting. Reading and highlighting is the foundation of any good study method. It allows the student to hone in and boil down on what's really important, separating the good from the bad, the wheat from the chaff, getting to the crux of things. Let's see what you've got so far!

Rainbow Dash: Um...

Twilight Sparkle: Huh? Hm, by highlighting everything, you don't really separate the wheat from the chaff... Or the good from the bad. Hey, I am not that tall!

Rainbow Dash: [giggles]

Rose Light: [sighs] Okay, Rainbow, clearly reading and highlighting is not your style of studying, so let's move on to the tried and true: History lecture! Yes, Rainbow?

Rainbow Dash: Is it snack time?

Twilight Sparkle: No.

Rainbow Dash: Recess?

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