Rarity: Oh, Sassy Saddles, don't you just love my new Femme Mystique Chic line of gowns?
Sassy Saddles: [gasps] Sequins and sashes, Rarity, they're exquisite! Where in Equestria did you find the inspiration?
Rose Light: Oh, I modeled them after the adventures of Shadow Spade. Her stories are always full of mystery and suspense and, best of all... fabulous costumes!
Sassy Saddles: They're perfect! [beat] What are you doing?
Rarity: [humming] Oh, uh, just making some minor adjustments. [blows on dress] Shadow Spade believes it all comes down to attention to detail. And so do I. There! Now it's perfect.
[door slams open]
Rainbow Dash: Hey guys, how's it—
Rarity, Rose and Sassy Saddles: [distressed squealing]
Rainbow Dash: [nervous laughing] My bad. [groans] Sorry I messed up your dress thingy.
Sassy Saddles: Nothing we can't fix in a stitch. What are you doing in Canterlot?
Rainbow Dash: I'm here for Princess Celestia's royal garden opening tomorrow.
Sassy Saddles: Oh, yes! Rumor has it the gardens are especially lush this season. I heard that the Wonderbolts will be kicking things off with an aerial display.
Rose Light: You heard right. And Rainbow Dash is here to fly with them. So exciting!
Rainbow Dash: Well, kind of exciting. Technically, I'm not flying. I'm just the lucky Reserve who was called in to be the backup flyer in case a Wonderbolt can't perform.
Rarity: Oh, don't be so modest. Out of all the Reserves, you were the one chosen.
Rainbow Dash: It is pretty sweet. And I do get to stay in the castle, hang out with the Wonderbolts, and eat awesome food at the dinner tonight. Speaking of the dinner, you're still coming, right?
Rose Light: Heavens, yes! A chance to dress up, be charming and show off my newest femme mystique couture? I wouldn't miss it for all of Equestria.
Rainbow Dash: Great! See ya tonight!
[door closes]
[mannequins rattling]
[door slams open]
Rarity: Ooh, the rhinestones I ordered! [beat] Oh, my. Oh, there's been a mistake... I ordered dragon-cut stones, and these are hoof-polished.
Package Deal: I'm sorry, but I've got a full load of deliveries today. I'm not sure I have time to redo your order.
Rose Light: Of course you don't. Your job is so difficult. Honestly, I don't know how you keep all of those orders straight.
Package Deal: [chuckle] It is pretty tough, what with the boxes all being... box-shaped.
Rarity: Oh, y—oh yes, and I very much appreciate it. But if there was any way you could squeeze in one more little delivery, I would be eternally grateful.
Package Deal: [laughs nervously] Well, for you, Rarity, I'll see what I can do.
[door closes]
Sassy Saddles: Rarity, you could sweet-talk a filly out of candy!
Rose Light: Oh, [chuckles], it was nothing. Nopony minds a compliment. Now, you simply must help me pick out an outfit for tonight. Something from the new collection, of course.
FanfictionThe spirit of chaos and disharmony known as Discord and his wife, Rose Light, escape from their stone imprisonment following an argument between the Cutie Mark Crusaders to which Princess Celestia summons Twilight and her friends to use the Elements...