Rarity and Rose Light Investigates!

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Rarity: Oh, Sassy Saddles, don't you just love my new Femme Mystique Chic line of gowns?

Sassy Saddles: [gasps] Sequins and sashes, Rarity, they're exquisite! Where in Equestria did you find the inspiration?

Rose Light: Oh, I modeled them after the adventures of Shadow Spade. Her stories are always full of mystery and suspense and, best of all... fabulous costumes!

Sassy Saddles: They're perfect! [beat] What are you doing?

Rarity: [humming] Oh, uh, just making some minor adjustments. [blows on dress] Shadow Spade believes it all comes down to attention to detail. And so do I. There! Now it's perfect.

[door slams open]

Rainbow Dash: Hey guys, how's it—


Rarity, Rose and Sassy Saddles: [distressed squealing]

Rainbow Dash: [nervous laughing] My bad. [groans] Sorry I messed up your dress thingy.

Sassy Saddles: Nothing we can't fix in a stitch. What are you doing in Canterlot?

Rainbow Dash: I'm here for Princess Celestia's royal garden opening tomorrow.

Sassy Saddles: Oh, yes! Rumor has it the gardens are especially lush this season. I heard that the Wonderbolts will be kicking things off with an aerial display.

Rose Light: You heard right. And Rainbow Dash is here to fly with them. So exciting!

Rainbow Dash: Well, kind of exciting. Technically, I'm not flying. I'm just the lucky Reserve who was called in to be the backup flyer in case a Wonderbolt can't perform.

Rarity: Oh, don't be so modest. Out of all the Reserves, you were the one chosen.

Rainbow Dash: It is pretty sweet. And I do get to stay in the castle, hang out with the Wonderbolts, and eat awesome food at the dinner tonight. Speaking of the dinner, you're still coming, right?

Rose Light: Heavens, yes! A chance to dress up, be charming and show off my newest femme mystique couture? I wouldn't miss it for all of Equestria.

Rainbow Dash: Great! See ya tonight!

[door closes]

[mannequins rattling]

[door slams open]


Rarity: Ooh, the rhinestones I ordered! [beat] Oh, my. Oh, there's been a mistake... I ordered dragon-cut stones, and these are hoof-polished.

Package Deal: I'm sorry, but I've got a full load of deliveries today. I'm not sure I have time to redo your order.

Rose Light: Of course you don't. Your job is so difficult. Honestly, I don't know how you keep all of those orders straight.

Package Deal: [chuckle] It is pretty tough, what with the boxes all being... box-shaped.

Rarity: Oh, y—oh yes, and I very much appreciate it. But if there was any way you could squeeze in one more little delivery, I would be eternally grateful.

Package Deal: [laughs nervously] Well, for you, Rarity, I'll see what I can do.

[door closes]

Sassy Saddles: Rarity, you could sweet-talk a filly out of candy!

Rose Light: Oh, [chuckles], it was nothing. Nopony minds a compliment. Now, you simply must help me pick out an outfit for tonight. Something from the new collection, of course.

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